Hello, I've always experienced bloating/stomach pain and cramps after eating (for about 10 years). I put on weight quite easily and feel self conscious when bloated and uncomfortable. I'm often constipated too. I've got a B12 deficiency and also get very big mouth ulcers every couple of weeks. I thought I may have Coeliac Disease, but now thinking it may be IBS. I had a blood test 5 years ago, and it just came up with B12, so I've booked another one for next week. Anyone know what I could have? Thanks.
Coeliac, IBS or something else? - Pernicious Anaemi...
Coeliac, IBS or something else?

Make sure your folate tested. My daughter had a sore mouth when her folate low. Shes on b12 I jections.
Have you tried elimination diets?
So many things overlap.
My mum has IBS . Diary free helped her. Also low fibre like white bread .
Hers was caused by damage to the bowel from radiotherapy. Before I think it could be administered with more accuracy.
That saved her life from ovarian cancer at the age of 37.
Have you seen gastro ? Or had further investigations ?
Are you getting enough b12.
Many people get gastric problems from that alone.
Hope you find some answers
Hi and thanks for replying. I will make sure to ask my doctor about Folate. I has B12 injections, then had tablets. I came off of those recently before my wedding as my acne was bad. I read that too much B12, causes acne. I did try gluten free which seemed to help slightly. I also have been doing a food diet and gluten is the thing that causes the majority of my stomach pains/bloating/constipation. When you say Gastro, is that Gastroenteritis? I just looked at that. That says vomiting, diarrhoea and fever - I don't have any of that. Thanks again, Kirsten
No i meant a gastroenterologist referral.
Acne is just a side effect of b12 injections . Your body does adjust . It's actually stated on the leaflet.
I would in that case have a test for celiac whilst eating gluten. Then after give a proper gluten free trial
Alsi try pribiotics.
Some use symprove (expensive) or try another
Then try diary free and so on.
As referral will be slow at present.
Whatever you may have your really need to see a gastroenterologist.
For the weight gain it’s worth eliminating thyroid problems so I’d ask your GP to test this.
I suffered severe bloating, digestive discomfort, constipation and occasional stomach pain around the time I was first diagnosed with PA. I’m still slightly prone to all this but nevertheless very much improved. I took a course of a probiotic called Symprove which helped with the bloating and constipation within days. I also take betaine HCL with pepsin with meals containing protein and this seems to keep symptoms to a minimum.
I never suffered cramps after eating nor stomach pain unless I ate a very large meal. As suggested by fbirder it would be a good idea to see a gastroenterologist.