Hi everyone, I visited my GP after suffering for along time with symptoms of constant Nausea , fatigue , swollen fingers and weight loss (10lb in 6 weeks) I had put all this down to IBS / Psoriasis but after a blood test was told my b12 was 154 even though I have a good diet and have taken b12 in an a-z vitamin for the past 7 years. He has put me on cause of b12 injections . Another blood test on Thur (8/11/18) now shows high platelets suspected down to low b12. My question is does this mean I have Pernicious Anemia or not ? All other results seem to be close to normal and have not been told I am missing intrinsic factor. Sorry for long post but feel more confused than ever about what has caused low b12. I am 36 and down to 7st 11- low for me. Thank you.
Does low b12 mean I have Pernicious A... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Does low b12 mean I have Pernicious Anemia ?

Perhaps you haven’t been tested for Intrinsic Factor Antibodies . (Notoriously unreliable test if you test negative ) Do find out if you have been tested . Low b12 doesn’t necessarily mean you have PA .but hearing that you have IBS symptoms could indicate PA , as PA patients have low /no stomach acid( Hypochlorhydria/Achlorhydria ) which leads to bloating , nausea,stomach pain etc . . Could just be a coincidence if course . Find out if you have been tested . When I got a low B12 reading , (150) I wasn’t tested for IFA , in fact I was told it was normal , and sent in my way in spite of many symptoms .
A diagnosis of PA is often reached by ruling out other possible causes.
If you’re not vegetarian, haven’t had gut surgery, don’t take certain drugs (PPIs, metformin, etc) and don’t abuse Nitrous Oxide then the most likely cause of your B12 deficiency is PA.
Thanks for the reply, I'm not a vegetarian /had surgery or take drugs /oxide so good to know likely to be PA, as a mum of two Really struggling with fatigue at the mo along with work/chores etc so hoping the b12 shots kick in soon ! Many Thanks.
Hi Angelic82. When I finally was diagnosised with PA and received B12 injections, I felt much much better. Also, recently ran a marathon. Chin up. It will get better. I’m a mom of one too. We are in it together 😬