I have just purchased B12 ampoules. Please could anyone advise on storage. Do I need to keep them in the fridge.
I have just purchased B12 ampoules. Please could anyone advise on storage. Do I need to keep them in the fridge.
You do not need to keep them in the fridge , but they should be kept dark and the temperature should not exceed 25 c. Keeping them in the fridge if it is convenient , will do them no harm .
Thank you .That is helpful.
Well I apologise I accidentally typed 5c instead of 25 c , as Engels pointed out Sorry , it’s the fat fingers again ,
Thought it was funny as -5c is fridge temp isn't it. My thanks anyway. I will put it in the fridge and then I wont forget where I have put it .
hydroxo and cyanocobalamin - main risk is light rather than heat - keep somewhere that is cool and dark.
methyl is more sensitive to temperature so could do with being kept in the fridge.
Thank you for your help. I will keep in the fridge
The injection is more comfortable if you warm it a bit first. I keep my ampoules in metal filing cabinet, still in box which will keep them in the dark but added 'insurance' Then, before getting the injection bits ready etc, I tuck the ampoule down my bra
to warm it to body temperature. By the time I've got the other bits ready and skin swabbed etc, the contents of the ampoule are suitably at body temperature
My friend is prescribed B12 ampoules by her GP but she puts these into water and drinks them, one a month. This is the way we take vit D, too except that ampoule is once every 3 months. We're in France. Is this normal?
Hi Cyanocobalamin ampoules can be taken oral but def not hydroxocobalamin. I think in France cyano is prescribed this would be why she takes it this way. Although if she has absorption problems this method would not be recommended. Hope this helps you understand a bit.