Any help comments appreciated.
I was diagnosed with PA in 2013. I also have asthma. I'm on 3 monthly injections.
Tail end of April I had stomach issues. A strange flutter feeling at top of stomach then extreme burping and wind. Went to see GP and he prescribed me omeprazole 20mg for a few weeks and thought gastritis. Symptoms went. Now they are back. Just can't stop burping after food. No flutter feeling thou.
Could they be connected to spatone iron? Could that irritate my stomach? I've stopped taking spatone just now but reckon my ferritin is low. Last tested in march and was 14 which I don't feel is that high.
Gona go back see GP or a private consultant if anyone can recommend one near Glasgow?
I've bought b12 sprays but not started them as worried they upset tummy more.
Im aware PA means I have absorption issues. Could stomach, PA and low ferritin be related? Anyone experienced similar?
I had low ferritin last year and was on iron tablets for 3 months and felt great but not allowed to be kept on them. Now feeling drained with tummy issues 😢