Hi all. It has been beyond upsetting especially lately. PA, MTHFR, weightloss (130 to now 96) early saiety and sideache. I've been battling low rbc and now have an elevated lymp absolute. I was scheduled for a abdominal CT Tuesday morning. Up at the crack of dawn, all papers in order and head to the imagining center. Only to wait almost an hour for them to tell me it's suppose to be with and without contrast and they have no radiologist there at that time to administer the contrast!!! Ugh! Now I'm rescheduled for the 17th. Been doing research on stomach issues with PA. I'e
Pernious Anemia, weightloss and Stoma... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Pernious Anemia, weightloss and Stomach issues

Sry. Sent before I was finished typing. I've been gradually losing weight over the last 4 years. No one really seemed concerned. I was scared at first because it was happening during bone tumors in right foot which resulted in a below the knee amputation. Main bloodwork always came back ok except MCH and MCV elevations. Now I know thats part of PA. Anyway, I'm getting really scared because my stomach hurts all the time. Doc says enlarged spleen and a felt mass in upper left stomach. I know this isn't good news. Especially with night sweats. Mostly just needed to share and vent, but also looking for more info on this. I read that with undiscovered PA, you usually have undiscovered H-pylori that heals itself then turns into something a little more sinister because of lack of instrinic factor. Ugh! So upset right now
Sry to be so long winded this morning. Just wanted to recap my PA. I was diagnosed about 5 mos ago. B12 was 92 and instrinic factor was 98. First started on daily injections and now weekly. Some of the main symptoms eased, but still have some lingering. My stomach problems/pain has increased.
I had terrible tummy problems with PA also . Eventually found a gastroenterologist who told me that patients with PA have low or no stomach acid due to damage to parietal cells caused by antibodies which also destroy intrinsic factor . I found that using a good probiotic helped me enormously to establish stomach flora . Fermented foods also help( sauerkraut , kimchi etc) . Look up treatments for Achlorhydria and Hypochlorhydria (no and low stomach acid ) The NHS has no treatment !
I tested positive for h pylori after getting lab work with elevated mvc and mch, with high absolute lymphocytes.
Untreated H pylori can cause ulcers so uhmmm tummy pain seems pretty common issue.
Have you been tested for it? Mine was treated with this protocal. Only change was i did for 2 days instead of one because i was concerned about it not being long enough to kill it.
Appearently, the super massively high dose of 2 antibiotics is suppost to flat out overwhelm those buried in h pylori bugs and get them good and gone!!!
I will get retested to see if it worked next week. I hope it did. My stomach now rumbles after eating, like there is actually something getting digested in there!!! Yea
Also the shorter treatment period is helpful as people with stomach pain dont tend to follow the usual 10-14 treatment because they cant cope with side effects of taking the antibiotics for so long.
Hi KimberinUS. Thank you so much for your reply. I hope you don't mind a few more questions. Did you have an enlarged spleen and weightloss? Also, did you have a CT scan and did the infection show up on It?
I didnt have any of the tests you mentioned. I had a breath test. I read the stool test is the best for accuracy.
I had higher but still in range wbc count for 3 years prior to testing for h pylori. Of course doctors had completely ignored this.
My WC has been in the normal range on the high end. RBC low and have been on iron. Elevated MCH and MCV for years now and low b12(92) and extremly high instrinic factor(98) disovered 5 months ago. Started daily injections now once a week. Weightloss has been consistent for 4 years(130 and now 96) lrft side pain and elevated lymp absolute is new