Night/day sweats: Hey Not sure where to... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Night/day sweats

Lizzie69 profile image
1 Reply


Not sure where to post this and at a complete lost to know what to do. I have been experiencing night/ day sweats on/off for the last six months.

I have been taking propranolol for migraine which has been wonderful. GP took bloods last Sept so not yet in menopause.

My iron stores are dropping with over the counter added multivitamin with folic acid. My blood sugar has risen to random sample 8.1 mmol with top range 7.7. I was at 7.7 last Sept but did not get told. My albumin has dropped just out of range but other liver function fine.

Folic acid is 9.9 and B12 400 but with regular three monthly injections. T4 and TSH seem fine in range but on 150mg levothyroxine.

I am at a loss as I manage two days at work but am in bed for 9 each night. I wake at the moment with arthralgia, dizziness, fatigue and feel like I have not slept.

I can't temp regulate at the moment and even getting ready for work in the morning I am dripping sweat from my face and back of neck/ head. This happens at various points of the day which is embarrassing. If a room is remotely warm I can feel the effects that I would faint if I did not leave to find somewhere cooler, open all the windows or try and fan myself. Everyone else will say it is warm but after the windows have been open for a little while will put on a cardigan or ask to close one. But when I start to cool down I am freezing and then close the windows , put on a top, but 30 minutes later I need to open windows etc. The other thing is I need to split jobs into manageable chunks with a rest, sit with a fan and get a drink, usually sweating and yawning.

I yawn constantly. Walking up the stairs, going in the shower, after walking anywhere, getting in the car to drive home.

Dizziness is another one. If I roll over in bed, going up and down stairs I find it difficult to judge the depth of the stair and if I don't look to check and am looking ahead I stumble.

My migraines have been so much better which is a bonus. GP sent me for ECG which seemed fine as having ectopic beats and my heart rate drops to low 50s but did not pick up on ECG. Am on propranolol though.

My ECG did say left axis deviation, with abnormal r wave progression with late transition but that is only because I quickly read the report. GP did not mention and said everything fine.

Sorry for the long post but with only a short time with the GP and having to get to know a new GP as the other ones left and you end up with an emergency appt as routine ones are three week wait. My Hb is in range as is everything else apart from what I have posted. Have started to reduce sugar and make my diet as clean as possible. B12 deficient and hypothyroid.

Any advice as I am at a loss and very fed up.



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Sleepybunny profile image

Hi Lizzie69,

"Folic acid is 9.9 and B12 400 but with regular three monthly injections"

Your B12 result does not seem very high if you are on regular injections and folic acid (did you mean folate?) does not seem very high either.

Do you have the reference ranges for both B12 and folate?

In your previous thread you mentioned neurological symptoms and that you felt you needed B12 injections every 8 weeks. What did GP say about the possibility of 8 weekly injections?

"GP took bloods last Sept so not yet in menopause."

I don't know how quickly menopausal symptoms can occur once hormonal changes start. Has GP considered another hormones test?

My personal opinion (I am not medically trained) is that B12 levels may have an influence on when menopause starts.

I've skimmed through most of your other threads and I'm unclear as to whether you have ever been formally diagnosed with PA (Pernicious Anaemia).

Did your GPs ever order an IFA (Intrinsic Factor Antibody) test?

Flowchart from BSH Cobalamin and Folate Guidelines

Gives guidance to UK doctors on when to order an IFA test and outlines diagnostic process for PA and B12 deficiency.

IFA test is not always reliable and it is still possible to have PA even if IFA results are negative (called Antibody Negative Pernicious Anaemia). Some of the GPs I had were unaware of the possibility of Antibody Negative PA. Antibody Negative PA is mentioned on the flowchart above.

If you don't have a formal diagnosis of PA, what do your GPs think is causing the B12 deficiency?

Risk factors for /Causes of PA and B12 Deficiency


PAS (Pernicious Anaemia society)

Are you a PAS member?


There are several local PAS support groups across the UK. They can be a useful source of info on helpful GPs etc.


The PAS can sometimes intervene by writing letters on behalf of members. I think it is much easier for them to help people with a confirmed diagnosis of PA. I' sure that at the very least they could pass on useful information.


PAS tel no +44 (0)1656 769 717 answerphone so messages can be left

Unhappy with treatment?

Link about writing letters to GP about B12 deficiency


HDA patient care trust

UK charity that offers free second opinions on medical diagnoses and treatment.

I am not medically trained, just someone who has spent years trying to find reasons for ill-health.

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