Hi I was just wondering if anyone, when they noticed symptoms of low B12 thought that these are all symptoms of low testosterone ???
You get a lot of the symptoms that you get with low B12. I've requested my gp for a testosterone test but this is the 2nd year that he writes it on the blood form but I get other results ack but never the testosterone !
I'm 41 so although it's normal for a drop in levels over the years my gp says I haven't got anything on testosterone.
I'm in uk and was wondering if anyone has had their T levels checked and was it requested by gp on your full blood test.
I fit in to all low B12 symptoms but also low T level symptoms.
Do I get it done from gp and what do I say as I know he written on 2 of my previous annual blood test forms.
I'm quite sure it has to be low T levels as I've ruled out B12, folate, vitamin D as I SI B12 and take the test as supplements. Actually I didn't ask about iron levels but I take the rest.
I think my gp is avoiding my T levels due to costs and other reasons of T replacement therapy. I don't think he wants the hassle.
Normally if everything is within range, even at the very bottom of the range he normally says everything is fine.
I just want to rule out low testosterone as it's a main suspect.
Thanks for reading my post if you've reached so far.