Hi everyone, I’m just following up on my brother’s test results. He had a test done through medichecks in October which showed very low b12 levels and he also has pins and needles in his arms and hands from time to time. The medichecks results were as follows:
B12 120 (140-724)
Folate 3.92 (2.91-50)
I got him to go to his GP for further tests which he had this week and are as follows:
B12 273 (130-1100)
Folate 4.3 (2.7-15)
MCV 83 (83-101)
Bilirubin 39 (0-22) *above high reference limit
All other results of the full blood count and liver function tests were all in the middle of the references ranges so I haven’t included them.
Over the last year he has had a couple of nights where he has had severe stomach pains and he thought this could be due to gallstones. I have read a lot of links recently between low b12 and gallbladder pain as well. Enlarged red blood cells due to low b12 apparently get stuck in the spleen and gallbladder.
His high bilirubin levels add to the confusion as they could indicate break down of high levels of red blood cells but it could also be linked to gallstone formation!
So, here are my questions that I’m hoping you can all help to answer...
1. Why is his mean cell volume right at the bottom of the reference range when low b12 usually causes enlarged red blood cells?
2. Does anyone else have experience of gallbladder pain or gallstones related to low b12
3. Is his high bilirubin level linked to low b12 or to potential gallbladder problems?
4. What should he do next? His doctor doesn’t seem concerned by his latest b12 results or the high bilirubin level but I’m sure it’s all linked and I don’t want him to be ignored by his GP and go on to get worse
Thank you all so much for any thoughts you might have on this