I got some of the blood results today. The one the neurologist ordered in December and that I got a phonecall to say were low are missing. Heres what I have so far.
Free T4 level 16.5pmol/L Normal Range 9.0-21.0
Serum TSH level 3.00mu/L Normal Range 0.20-5.00
Docs Note TSH Raised TFT no therapy
Serum Vitamin B12 195.9 pg/mL Normal Range 197.0-771.0
Serum folate 4.30ng/mL Normal Range 4.60-18.70
Serum ferritin 42.6 ng/mL Normal Range 14-186.0
Mean corpusc haemoglobin 32.2pg Normal Range 27-32
Erythrocyte sedimentation 7mm/hr Normal Range 1-30
Serum Creatinine 59umol/L Normal Range 60-100
Free T4 level 15.7 pmol/L Normal Range 9.0-21.0
Serum TSH Level 2.10mU/L Normal Range 0.20-5.00
(given one month of folic acid and b12 tablets)
Serum vitamin B12 197.4pg/mL Normal Range 197.0-771.0
Serum Folate 17.00ng/mL Normal Range 4.60-18.70
December 2016 Missing Results but phoned and told Low B12 repeat in one month
Serum Vitimin B12 284.2 pg/ML Normal Range 197.0-771.0
serum folate 5.13ng/mL Normal Range 3.90-26.80 (references changed from 22/11/2016)
doc told me the other day that the last B12 was 225 no idea what shes talking about. Maybe the missing one.
No idea what any of the above means. Anyone shed any light.