I was wondering if anyone here could help me in interpreting some Vitamin B12, Intrinsic Factor Antibody and Gastric Parietal Cell blood test results. I had one set of Vitamin B12 and Serum Folate tests, as well as a set of Pernicious Anaemia tests before my course of six 'loading' B12 doses and a subsequent Vitamin B12 test after the 'loading' dose course. All of the results are listed below:
Pre- B12 'loading' dose course:
Serum Folate (CSW) - Normal 4.2 ng/mL
Serum Vitamin B12 (CSW) - 164 pg/mL
Lipaemia comment (CSW) - Normal - Sample lipaemic, this might slightly increase some results. Please view all results with caution.
Pernicious Anaemia Screen:
(EHG186)- Normal
Gastric Parietal Cell - Negative, <40
Intrinsic Factor Antibody - Negative
Post- B12 'loading' dose course:
Serum Vitamin B12 (CSW) - No Action 1263 pg/mL
As you can see, the B12 level before the loading shots was 164 pg/mL and 1263 pg/mL after the shots. Does this constitute a good improvement?