I've been diagnosed with autoimmune gastritis and Helicobacter pylori infection few months ago after endoscopy and blood test.
The results:
Intrinsic factor antibodies - positive
Parietal cells antibodies - positive
B12 - low levels ( 49 )
Iron and Folic acid lewels are in norms.
We started with H. Pylori treatment and it was successfull ( after the second course ).
Now I'ts time to start the autoimmune gastritis treatment. My gastro said that small doses of cortisol can stop the autoimmune reaction ( he is a professor and has a lot of experience with PA and autoimmune gastritis, so I tend to believe ). He send me to hematologist first to start B12 therapy. After that he is planing to prescribe Cortisol.
Although I have no B12 deficiency symptoms ( just a litle weakness ) I'll make the 2 months B12 therapy, but I'm afraid to start the corticosteroids.
I'm not sure what's the worst that could happens if I refuse this treatment since I feel fine. My only symptom is red tongue. That's why I went to doctor 7 months ago.
I'm sure that after the B12 course I'll feel even better, because I've read a lot about it in this community.
Has anyone has tried corticosteroids treatment? Do you think that I can wait few months or even year before I start. I'm told to make control blood tests after the B12 treatment, that include IFA and PC antibodies. There is a small chance for negative resulta after the H.Pylory is gone, but it takes time.
I'm 27 years old, living in Bulgaria.
I have full access to my tests results.
Thanks, I'll be happy to exchage experience with you. This community is very helpfull.