have had many problems since birth including constipation, poor concentration, bad short term memory, easily fatigued. One of my earliest memories is being sat on my mothers knee aged around 3 or 4 at the doctors surgery . She told him these problems..... He looked in my mouth and in my ears and proclaimed he could not see anything wrong...... That was the start of many, many years of not being taken seriously by doctors.
I'm in the medical profession myself ( lab technician ) so I'm familiar with common disorders, and I have often thought I show signs of an under active thyroid. Over the years I have been backwards and forwards with the above issues ( and some others ) and have asked for thyroid tests. They do a TSH, and when that's in the normal range they send you away. I'm sure you're aware that TSH is only one of many indicators to diagnose thyroid issues, but when I asked for other tests they offered me Prozac and counselling :/
Recently I had a phone call to say my Nan has just been diagnosed with PA, although I had heard of it, I did not know the symptoms. Now I see there is a big overlap with thyroid ones. My Mum also has similar set of symptoms, and is going to ask her GP for B12 testing. Here is my dilemma then...... I would like to be tested for PA, but am reluctant to see my GP, so I have have booked with the nurse for next week. Trouble is I have a history of becoming tearful when trying to discuss this with the medical profession, because there have been so many times when I have not been taken seriously, and of course this is upsetting. ( also I have Aspergers which makes me overly anxious ). I can maybe see a situation too where my levels come back normal, and I'll be sent away again. So I guess I want to find out : if I need to, can I get a FULL SET OF LEVELS done privately for thyroid and PA ?