i’ve only just got over my constipation problem and now a problem that’s so painful. my lip started throbbing two days ago them i woke up and it has gone so big. then a blister/ cold sore i don’t know which appeared. the throbbing and burning pain is constantly here. earlier i’ve noticed pain on my tounge underneath. really sore. what can it be? i’m scared it’s hand foot and mouth. i’ve had that 3 times in the past. but not just this symptom. if appreciate replies from anybody 🙏
mouth ulcer: i’ve only just got over my... - Pain Concern
mouth ulcer

I use zinc ointment for cold sores/ lip herpes. Just smear a fingertip of the ointment over the sore.
This works best if you do it when that tingling is first felt.
I used to get ferocious cold sores when I was young. A nurse at my university told me to try this-- and I've only had about 2 eruptions in over 55 years.
I am so truly thankful to that kind lady-- she literally saved my life- I was suicidal at that point, and the doctor was absolutely useless.
I have passed this on to so many young people -- it is so simple and easy, but not widely known.
All the best for you.💚
thanks so much for your reply. it sounds like that really helped you. i shall try it when i manage to get some
hi junny, I get those sores too, ones in the mouth are most painful. I found Biotene mouthwash very soothing. Sometimes I buy the toothpaste too. Someone told me it was the sodium laurel sufate in most toothpastes. I was getting them in my mouth constantly until I switched to biotene tpaste and for soothing relief with biotene mouthwash. My daughter has the same problem. That’s all I can offer, if you can find it where you live.

thanks for replying yes a mouthwash is really something i’ve been told by family members to start using. the one you mentioned worked for you. i’m from the uk, i’ll look out for it 👍🏽. anything to help
Aptholus ulcers in the mouth are indicative of several autoimmune diseases. You may want it biopsied. If it isn't a cold sore, it is something else. Certainly you would have some history if cold sore. I know how bad they hurt. I am an example at a University for dentists to learn more about these issues. My dentist caught my first diagnosis of something called Behcets. A decade later, I received a formal diagnosis.
Hi, Its your diet you must be eating rubbish to get constipation which leads to mouth ulcers,try the Haye diet worked for me.{google haye diet}🤔