Hi, I am new to the forum and wondered if I could possibly get some advice. Last June I developed some sharp and throbbing pain in both of my thighs (outside of thigh) when I was on holiday (a lot of walking and standing). It started to get better towards the end of the holiday so I put it down to overuse. However, when I got back and went back to normal activities (lunchtime walks, gym etc) the pain became worse (sometimes causing me to limp), more so in my left side and the area on both thighs was tender to the touch. I saw a GP and she said hip bursitis and it should go away in a few weeks - it didn't. By August the pain had got better, with some remaining mild soreness and I had returned to my lunchtime walks. Beg of Septemter- went to Chessington and did a lot of walking and standing and I had a massive flare up and ended up worse off, with both thighs equally severe. Fastforward to now and things are better but still not perfect. My right thigh is much better but still a little sore and the left thigh is still sore. I find when I’m at work (sitting at desk) that I get a dull pain/soreness that spreads from the side of my thigh to the back of my thigh as the day goes on. I have a disc protrusion at L5/S1 which causes lower back pain and my pain management specialist thinks the pain in my thighs is referred pain but he hasn’t done any tests or even examined the area. My physio isn’t so sure and has mentioned that I have flat feet posture which could perhaps be contributing to/causing the pain. Sorry for the length but does anyone have any similar experiences? I had a disc coblation procedure nearly six weeks and still haven’t felt any benefits though my spec said it may take a little while for things to get better. Thanks in advance!
Thigh Pain: Hi, I am new to the forum and... - Pain Concern
Thigh Pain

Hi Katherine it sounds just like me I have bursitis of the thigh it’s very painful and hard to get rid of. Trochanteric bursitis is inflammation of the bursa (fluid-filled sac near a joint) at the part of the hip called the greater trochanter. When this bursa becomes irritated or inflamed, it causes pain in the hip. This is a common cause of hip pain.
This is exactly what my doctor diagnosed me with 30 years ago and here I am with severe osteoarthritis and recently diagnosed with spondylitis. Without X-rays and scans no-one can tell you exactly what is causing it, but it does sound exactly the same as I was and am now. You need to insist on seeing a specialist for X-rays etc.
If it is bursitis, and you need to have this confirmed, then there are exercises that can help aleviate symptoms. A physio can advise or look online. Steroid injections can help short term
Thanks for all of your replies, it's really helpful to have the perspective of people who also suffer from pain
Hi Katherine, I have had Trochanteric Bursitis for years, very painful and about every 3 months I need a Cortazone shot, I ice very often, if I sit in a bathtub, heated pool, lands me in the ER. I use a salve Diclofenac Sodium, prescription, do not eat too much sodium because that makes it inflame, right now I am in a lot of pain from shoveling snow the last few days. No Doctor will take the Bursa out, I have tried all over because I have an hip implant and they will not touch it. If it is in the shoulder the Doctors will remove it. It protects the bones. But I wish they would take mine out. Good luck to you. If you find relief please let me know.
Hi again, I mean Steroid injections. Cannot be given any sooner then 3 months and some Doctors say 6 months. It can weaken your bones.
I’ve had a bulged disc for years which now is ruptured Howe yes I have the same thing going on on my left thigh and spread to the back as well, now that my disc has ruptured it’s not a bother but it’s still there and to touch it hurts, so I don’t lol, but maybe that’s what it’s from? My Dr also ignored it and he even saw it inflamed. I’ll ask again when I see him and will let you know if I don’t find anything researching it.
This may be a tight muscle problem. Note: the word maybe. See what a sports therapist can do. They may be helpful or they may not. All you can do is investigate and see what happens and take the results back to a doctor.
Thank you for both of your replies