I have suffered very bad sciatica for sometime now ...nothing seems to touch it,from Naproxin to pregablin or even amertripterlin...I even purchased a sciatacam absolute rubbish...I can hardly walk with the pain and numbness down my legs,almost falling over at times..I keep being asked to go for physio it does not work either
Chronic Sciatica : I have suffered very bad... - Pain Concern
Chronic Sciatica

I'm not trying to be a prude but this topic has been discussed many times on this platform. If you bring your post up on the screen, look to the right side of the screen and you should see a title "Related Posts". Click on any one of the postings and read through the replies. And when you pull up any one of those posts, there will be even more related posts to the right of those. I personally have replied to several postings about sciatica and how to relieve it. You should be able to find a plethora of suggestions to your dilemma. I too suffer from sciatica and have found a lot of good reading in past postings. Cheers!
Hi I found physio did nothing for my sciatica which like you I have had for years. One thing I have found beneficial in the past is seeing an osteopath. Might be worth considering?
With regards medication I’m afraid it is very much trial and error. I take amitriptyline at night to help me sleep but during the day I have duloxetine which for me is extremely effective. I also have access to Tramadol for any breakthrough pain, which tends to happen when I do too much.
My father also had back issues and in the end it was only morphine that could help his severe pain.
I do hope you find something to help as I am well aware how debilitating sciatica really can be.
Hi Bevvy! I’m really suffering with what I’m 90% sure is sciatica as I’ve been diagnosed with bulging disks, s curve scoliosis, spinal stenosis… I’ve tried duloxeting, Tylenol a Tylenol with codeine #3 but it’s no longer helping with this much pain. I’m afraid they might not approve me for any type of spinal surgery. I don’t know what else can be done other than the physical therapy I’m practicing daily. It’s too much to tolerate. Do you have any suggestions other than this and meditation? I’m only asking for advice.
The only additional thing that I can think of is doing exercises in water. I googled for some ideas and did basically stretches in the water and walking about with water at chest height. I found the key is not to stay in the water too long. For me 20mins was ample time. It felt nice so the inclination is to stay longer but I found that dramatically increased the pain so was a bad idea.
Ask to be referred to pain management. I have a spinal cord stimulator and it’s the only thing that has worked in relieving pain.
Hi i went for physio and when i got their they refused to give me any as he said my back was in a bad state and it would probably make it worse.
Hi Potatohead
It sounds like an MRI followed by surgery could be the answer. I had sciatica which started about 18 months ago. I went for a scan which showed stenosis in the lumbar vertebrae. I was given an injection of local anaesthetic and a steroid which helped for a bit . I then decided that I would go for surgery. I was told that each case is different and they could not guarantee success, but I was 78years old and didn't want to spend my last few years in pain. The surgery was successful and for about 8 weeks I was pain free. Then I started to get the pain back and another scan showed that this time it was a disc problem. a second op was carried out and for 8 weeks I was fine until the pain returned again. This time an X-ray showed that I had arthritis of the facet joints in the lumbar vertebrae. I was referred to a pain specialist, who put me on Amitriptyline , Duloxetine , Buprenorphine patch and Etoricoxib. Great ! No pain. She then injected each facet joint of the last three lumbar vertebrae which gave me relief . So about two weeks ago I had a procedure which involved destroying the nerve ending s which served the facet joints . At last I seem to have got relief which should last fro 6 to 24 months.
I was fortunate that having just downsized I had the money to go privately, If you are waiting for the NHS it could be some time before you get seen In the meantime I would recommend the website called "back in shape". They taught me the exercises I had to to do to strengthen my core muscles which act like a splint to prevent further damage and relieve the pain.
If you are still reading this long diatribe, I wish you the best of luck.
Hi there it's really hard to find something I am on a cocktail of meds I can't think off the name off the top off my head but I was on morphine tablets put under tongue to dissolve they helped for a bit hope that may help talking to the Dr's you are under unfortunately they didn't work for me for long the pain levels are roof high and struggling with depression and anxiety plus asthma it's hard to find even a happy middle ground