Hello has anyone ever tried hypnotherapy or The Bowen Technique for any kind of chronic pain and had any success?
The Bowen Technique : Hello has anyone ever... - Pain Concern
The Bowen Technique

Yes, A friend of mine tried The Bowen Technique , I believe it is a good technique , not sure if it’s widely available though.
Yes, Yes, and Go for Bowen! I was practitioner for 25 years till retired few months back. Have seen lots of quick fixes and longer terms. Overall for different probs I found that about 50% had good-excllent result over 3 treatments, and only 10% nil-little effect. Best if practitioner has more than just Bowen behind him/her, and good experience. I also have NST, reflexology, etc. And vital that you have good personal 'feel' for the practitioner. (Wanna know more? ....) Warm best wishes TimbowPSP x
I have a neighbour who is a Bowen practitioner, I have tried it and found it didn’t help whatsoever but it may work for you.
What condition were you having treated at the time ?
I had a conversation with an osteopath. He was also a lecturer in osteopathy. He got a call from someone selling him Bowen Therapy. Telling him that a weekend's training would allow him to be a Bowen Therapist and how it could enhance his practice and so on. He gave her short shrift!
It was developed by someone (Tom Bowen 1916–1982) that had had no training, and there is no evidence that it works. So it is basically a massage, and if you like massages you might enjoy it, but there is no medical value to it.
Unlike osteopathy which is registered, used in the NHS, requires a university degree plus 1000 hours of training with patients, similar to physios and other NHS therapies.
Sorry that anyone touts Bowen as a weekend course .... as crazy as Docs going on weekend acupuncture courses! Fact is: Tom Bowen carried out about 13,000 treatments per year (Certified by Oz govt) with about 90% success rate in 1 or 2 sessions.( Welcome to ask me more, after my 25 years practice!) BTW Bowen is NOT massage - totally different action and effect. Cheers TimbowPSP
Thanks Tim. What is the success rate for treating chronic musculoskeletal pain?
Everyone responds in their own way to treatment. I can only quote my own figures for OVERALL 'success' ( a dangerous term in itself!). NO PREDICTIONS. Anyway you'll probably respond differently to different practitioners! So maybe use your intuition as well as reason? Timbow
I have no knowledge of the Bowen Technique but treatment with (auto-systemic) hypnosis has been very helpful for me with chronic pelvic pain. This particular form of hpynotherapy was developed in Germany where I live. What is most important is to find a qualified therapist with whom you feel relaxed and secure.
Well, unfortunately it just happened. It looked like repeated UTIs to begin with but turned into continual pain especially when sitting.
I tried Bowen Just before I was diagnosed with RA. I was in pretty bad shape at the time. I found it very gentle and relaxing. I liked the technique but in my state it didn’t do much for pain levels or anything else. It may work for you though😊