I’ve been having awful horrible pain in my upper part of my body. It is in between my breast/ chest .. i don’t know where to say it even is. When I breathe in it absolutely makes me want to almost cry I have to only breathe in half way and if I try breathing anymore the pain is just too bad I have to stop. Soo I have to take half breaths in and out. Am I making any sense?
Pain: I’ve been having awful horrible pain in... - Pain Concern
Chest pain should never be ignored, it may be virtually nothing to a full blown heart attack. If the pain is just in your central chest it is most likely not a heart attack, Panic attacks can mimic a great variety of problems, you need to speak to a doctor or if in the UK perhaps 111, but don';t delay.
It could be a chest or lung infection, or reflux. Best to book in for a check up with a GP asap.
As others have said, best to get clinical advice, but in addition to that, there is something called Costochondritis that causes pain in that area, especially when breathing deeply.
in-between each rib there are loads of small muscles, but between each rib and the breastbone, or sternum, there is a joint; its a different shape to those in our arms and legs, but it is still a joint and they move when we breath. And like all joints they can get injured or strained and cause pain.
I think it is always best getting chest pain checked out - there will be a reason for it - so much better finding out and getting the correct treatment as soon as you can. Hope that helps. x
It sounds like you need a chest X-ray stat.
It’s a headache getting through to the doctor. Put on hold for ages. The pain eased alittle last night soo I managed to have a good sleep. But cyberbarn what you said about Costochondritis is making sense after I read up on it. It exactly explains the pain I’m having.