I would love some advice about whatever I am suffering from especially lately. Everyday I feel lost and scared because I don’t know what’s wrong with me or what I can take for it to help the pain to go away.
After experiencing a sudden headache, I was diagnosed with multilevel cervical spondylosis back in 2014. 2016, I started feeling some mild pain on my left side like neck, shoulder and light tingling or numbness in my 2 left small fingers. Then weird sensations on left side of my face and head which also comes if I carry a bag a little heavy on my left, my shoulder and also lumbar, weak leg and warm foot.
I was sooo worried about all this thinking it might be stroke or heart attack or something to do with my heart. I have seen the cardiologist in 2018 who said after some tests, everything was fine with my heart. I was really relieved then I battled to get referred to a rheumatologist after many normal X-rays and blood tests, physio, chiropractic and different supplements, only to be discharged me from 1st appt saying it’s all coming from my neck. Slowly things got worse, as well as head, neck, shoulder, back pain, l started feeling this horrible deep dull pain, always on my left side on my ribs just at the same level as my left breast under my armpit like a pressure which radiates to my chest and causes short breath, so, back to square one with worries about my heart. Last November had an cardiac MRI which was normal, then been referred to neurologist, had MRI on head and neck Which showed degenerative changes at C5/C6 with narrowing of the right side foramen. discharged from neurology as MRI didn’t show anything to do with neurology. Now this pain on my left ribs which is the one that bothering the most along with headaches, neck, shoulder, sensation on my left side of my face is present everyday all day with pressure on the epigastric area which gives me short breath. I have to always breath deeply in the attempt to get rid of it and open my blocked chest.
I suffered with psoriasis when young then it has disappeared for many years now it’s back but just but not that bad. No family history of psoriasis
My question is, can arthritis in all it’s kind cause dull pain on the ribs with short breath?
Does anyone experience this kind of pain with any of the different arthritis?
I am very sorry for the long message and grateful for any help I may get. My Gp doesn’t seem interested in finding the cause