I am a 20 year old male. Since last year (2018) roughly July I've started experiencing slight pain, more discomfort than pain actually, in the area under my bottom ribs, meaning the ones that don't meet at the sternum. Over time it started to radiate to different parts of my body. First it was only on the left side, but recently its been shifting between left and right. now the pain is mostly in and around the ribs, but there have been times that i experienced it in my left shoulder, lower back, neck, sternum and lower arm. best way i can describe the pain, is a type of discomfort-ish sensation that feels like its on top of the ribs, rather than in them. this i am constantly aware of, as it has reached the stage where i can feel my shirts creases when touching it with the rib area. as for the pain in other areas, it comes and goes, and I can't seem to find any causes. most recently I've also started feeling episodes of pressure on the left side of my esophagus, next to my Adams apple.
All of this has caused me a great deal of stress and anxiety, and I've been to countless doctors of which most don't have a clear answer. I have even gone for chest X-rays, which my doc examined and found nothing, except for a slight "darkening" which she explains is because I am a smoker. I would appreciate any opinions and explanations, or even if you have also experienced this, feel free to share.