Hi everyone,
I’ a 21 year old female, 2 days ago I woke up with really strange pain I’ve never experienced before.
The pain is what woke me up.
It was this very deep aching and sort of burning sensation that circled all around my hip front to back not just the sides.
It was so strange I don’t even know how to explain it.
It was so painful that i felt like i was getting up from an accident like some trauma has taken place.
The pain lasted about 3-4 minutes, I couldn’t get up and almost felt paralyzed in the moment like waking up from anaesthesia.
Yesterday I realized when I bend and get back up my entire abdomen feels like it’s been tased (electric and burning pain) for about 10 seconds.
I’m nowhere near my ovulation so it’s not period symptoms.
Anyone ever experience this?