I have been living with back pain for a number of years having had nerve blocking injections and radio frequency which at the time worked really well. I am now at a point that I cant get any more radio frequency injections and most pain killers do not do the job. I have been advised to try Lidocaine Patches by and nursing friend who is suffering as I do. I have asked my GP who is quite willing to prescribe them but have been told that the QMC have not given approval for the patches only for people with SHINGLES. I have looked on line and you can but the patches at an enormous cost on the internet. Is there anyone out there that can give any advice. "HELP"
Back Pain : I have been living with back pain... - Pain Concern
Back Pain

Have you had an MRI to tell you why you have the back pain in the first place?
Hi Bonitalulu, i'm so sorry you are still suffering. I've had nerve blocks and radio frequency ablations in the L3 to S1 region of my back. I started with back issues in 1996. Luckily for me the RFAs done in 2014/5 have been completely successful and no recurrence as yet for me.
I was prescribed lidocaine patches pre the RFA's and find they do help to take the edge off and have used them for other pain as well. My gp is fine with prescribing them and i used them in conjunction with gabapentin and naproxen.
I say take the prescription from your GP and try them. You can use a maximum of 3 at one time and have to follow a 12 hour on, 12 hour off regime. The only problem i had was putting them near either my knicker line or waist as it can make the patches scrunch up lol.
I hope you can find something to give you relief xx