I have to come off Zomorph pain relief due to chronic constipation. Has anyone else had to wean themselves off any pain relief.?
Weaning off pain relief: I have to come off... - Pain Concern
Weaning off pain relief

Hi Dottilind, i have gone through the same as you, i was on Zomorph, and im also on Oramorph but the Dr has now started weaning me of the Oromorph first and now the Zomorph, but hes upped my prebagalin. He has dropped me 10 mg and said the pregabalin with combat the pain, but its done nothing and my pain is just getting back to how it was before.
But if its the constipation which you want sort out, well the Drs give me
Laxido sachets- x 3 a day, they dont taste nice but at least i dont wake up with the horrible dreaded constipation.
Ask your Dr for this , oh im in the UK by the way so if you are from over seas i do not know if this medicine is available.
I hope this helps a bit. Good luck and take care.
Hi Johnny thanks for that. I live in Wales so everything is available. Anyway I am on senna and Dr put me on 8 Laxido . All I a get is the overflow every day when I least expect it. I have not had a meal in 6 weeks except cuppa soup and complan. I just want to get back to normal so I don't have this terrible feeling all the time. Many thanks anyway for answering me.
Im so sorry to hear of the suffering you are going through, and i wish i had the answer, i just didnt know if youd tried the laxido. I do hope you find your answer soon and wish you the best of luck. Oh i went on a short holiday to wales not long ago, went to Barmouth, Tynyn, it was quiet there but went of a few journeys out and saw such fantastic beautiful sites.
I have been on morphine for 10yrs, i worked around the constipation by massively increasing my fibre intake. Wheatabix and bran flakes are great for smoothing and softening leadlined poo
Oh yes..with major resistance from all my docs but they had no choice.
For me..best decision of my life n i went totally different direction in med help also.
Best advice..make sure ur under a docs care going down on meds.If going down withdrawls r too much..go down only 1/8 or 1/4 pill at time.Ur body will tell ya n if ya tell the docs..they will be aok with it.
Be patient with urself n u will get thru it.
I,was on 10 pills day over 20 years.Took 6 years to get off them n ive never looked back n i have a life now.
Still taking it but I can understand what you are saying. If I'm late or forget I definitely get withdrawal symptoms, the sweats, and slight confusion.
The constipation is beneficial for me, because I suffered irritable bowl.
Thanks for that Rod S I am down from four a day to two now and have another week to go. I am a bit nervous as I I came off Gaberpentin and thought I was dying although I did as Dr suggested. Not been long on Zomorph so hope it's better.