My husband has had gout a few times but his foot is now swollen, very painful to the point he can’t put his weight on it, struggling to walk, we have a nurse friend and she thinks same as us, this isn’t gout. Drs arent interested as x ray has come back clear. Any ideas??
Painful foot but clear x ray : My husband has... - Pain Concern
Painful foot but clear x ray

Has he had a blood test for uric acid?

Yes because he was been treated for Gout but says this is a different pain, we have a friend who’s a nurse & she thought it might be a fracture but x ray shown nothing. This morning he’s using crutches as can hardly walk, his whole foot is swollen.
My husband has had gout in his ankle and wrist too. I can only suggest trying anti-inflammatories.

Hello there Barberdiane
Sorry to hear your husband is suffering with a painful foot.
Please see the following link about managing foot pain:
It would be useful to speak with your GP to discuss this further as you are currently unclear about the cause of the foot pain.
You could discuss with your GP about them making a referral to a podiatrist - they may be able to help assess the cause of the foot pain.
Podiatrists have specialist knowledge with managing pain related to musculoskeletal problems, where abnormal mechanics in the foot lead to tissue damage and pain.
I hope this information helps.
Moderator 4, on behalf of Pain Concern.
Podiatrist. They are the experts in everything below the knee, and they may well be able to find out what is going on. In some areas you can self refer, in others you need to go though your GP.
Hi my husband suffers from gout, at times it’s very bad and he can’t put weight on it. However if your husband thinks it’s not gout he probably knows best.
I myself had a badly swollen foot last year and they thought it might have been a hairline fracture. Nothing showed on the X-ray either and I was advised to rest it. It cleared up after 2 weeks. I would say if after resting it does not disappear see your dr again. Apparently hairline foot fractures show up on the X-ray after the event only at times as the radiographer explained to me.