Hey guys I’ve finally been prescribed naproxen for my costocondritus! Does it help??
Naproxen : Hey guys I’ve finally been... - Pain Concern
Naproxen I was given for a certain problem I can’t think now. But now wen I have Bad pain anywhere I take that. Instead of normal painkillers. It definitely helps yes
I have never found naproxen to be any more effective than standard ibuprofen. Recently been prescribed naproxen for back pain - complete waste of time, no effect. Also doctor prescribed lanzoprazole to protect my stomach
It could help quite a bit. It did for me (psoriatic arthritis, costocondritis included), but unfortunately I also have Ulcerative Colitis so had to stop as it was starting to cause a flare up of that. All I'd say is make sure you take some sort of PPI, like omaprozole, otherwise you can get terrible heartburn, and this can develop into ulcers. Not trying to scare you, but you will get heartburn without something like that. Otherwise, fingers crossed it's a solution for you. It's a horrible place to get inflammation. Even though you know it's not, it constantly feels like something is wrong with your heart eh?
Yeah I have lanzoprazole too! Yeah it does! I’ve had loads of chest X-rays and ecg’s and luckily everything is fine!
I don’t know where you live, or your gender but the nhs doesn’t prescribe naproxen for post- menopausal women because some research showed a cancer increase in this group. I went on to tramadol but that didn’t help at all so I found the fibromyalgia people recommended gabapentin. I’m on a low dosage but it helps with the RLS , the nerve pain in my legs and the fibromyalgia. It just made me sleep a lot but am getting more used to it.
Sorry to put a blight on your naproxen, but felt you needed to know what I found.
Keep safe and well.
Thank you I will
Naproxen gave me stomach pain