I have been taken Pregabalin 75mg. Twice a day for almost 3 years it was working good until few months ago..So now I’m taking 150mg twice a day plus naproxen 500mg just want to now how long i can take the combination of Pregabalin+ naproxen and if someone have had a bad experience taking this two together ..Thanks
Pregabalin + naproxen: I have been taken... - Pain Concern
Pregabalin + naproxen

Hi there, I used to take both but I had to stop the Naproxen as I started to bleed and developed ulcerative colitis. I still take the Pregablin for nerve pain which it helps.
I now take zapain instead of naproxen as I found naproxen gave me very bad stomach cramps
Hi there.
I have been taking gabapentin every day for nerve pain. I top this up quite regularly with naproxin up to 1000mgs a day. So far I feel or have not had any side effects stomach wise. I am however on omeprazole for another stomach complaint and always always take the naproxin after a meal. Maybe that and the omeprazole help protect me. However I do gave a family member who was put on naproxin for some pain and was later rushed to hospital from a peptic ulcer bleed. You have to be very careful. Any change in feeling down there, go yo your gp, stop the naproxin until you know its OK. You could technically bleed to death. Take care.
Yea, Unfortunately Naproxen and all anti-inflammatory tablets are well known to irritate the stomach producing stomach ulcers in some cases. These tablets, according to medical manuals are more preferred in reducing inflammation in the joints and muscles. The alternative is to revert to opioids to reduce arthritic pain which is less efficient. Why some people have no problem with anti-inflammatories when others do, is beyond me. Good Luck.
My gp prescribed omeprazole to protect my stomach when I was on naproxen for a long time. Had to come off it because my body decided to become allergic to it! I would ask your gp to prescribe something
Hi there, I have been taking Pregabalin 300mg twice a day and Naproxen 500mg twice a day for nearly 5 years now, and never had a problem. Naproxen you can stop taking and start again when required with no side affects. Completely different story with Pregabalin, that has to be planned with your doctor carefully, a small reduction gradually over months to come off it. If you think the side effects are bad, the withdrawal is 100 times worse,
I have never had a problem taking the two meds together.
Oh thank you so much for letting me know! Don’t think I will needed for so long (naproxen) but is helping me a lot now while I pass this crisis of pain!
I have taken both pregabalin and naproxen, and everything worked fine for me. The pregabalin (75mg twice a day) was effective for a long time, and I only increased the dosage to 150mg twice a day after experiencing a reduction in its effect. I did not experience any major issues while combining it with naproxen 500mg.
As for how long you can continue this combination, it's best to follow your doctor's advice. Both pregabalin and naproxen can be used for extended periods, but regular check-ups are important to monitor for any potential side effects. In general, while they are often prescribed together, they can have some interactions, like increasing the risk of dizziness or drowsiness. Make sure to stay in touch with your healthcare provider to ensure the treatment remains safe and effective for you. If you notice any unusual side effects or discomfort, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor.
NSAIDS cause nephron (kidney cell) damage and should never be taken long-term IMHO. I’m not a doctor but I am a 30 sufferer of CKD post AKI that caused multi-organ failure and near death at age 29. Spent nearly 7 months in the ICU and till me nearly a year to get back to “normal.” My CKD was caused in-part by the US Army love of NSAIDs in the late 1980s. I spent 4 years at West Point then 5 years in the US Army as an M-1 tank platoon leader, company executive officer and battalion staff officer. As most would expect jumping on and off tanks that are approximately 8/9 feet high is tough on the limbs long-term. I also was afflicted with severe early onset osteoarthritis beginning in my mid-30s and have had bilateral TKA’s and THR (all 4 joints done before age 50) with bilateral ankle fusions sandwiched in between. Standard treatment for Army docs and joint pain was 90 500 mg prescription NSAIDS with 2/3 refills (take no more than 8 a day). That’s almost 4000mgs of NSAIDS DAILY for 3/4/5 months. Several medical studies show the correlation between consistent NSAID usage like this and a dramatic increase in potential life-threatening CVD events. Please do your own research and talk to a trusted medical professional reference long-term NSAID usage. Be cautious if said profession treats your questions flippantly. Just a couple of the study links for you.
“Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used medications for the management of pain, fever, and inflammation. Despite their effectiveness and accessibility, NSAIDs can pose significant risks to kidney health, particularly when used inappropriately or by individuals with predisposing factors. Understanding the pathophysiology of NSAID-induced kidney injury, identifying those at greater risk, and implementing protective measures can mitigate potential harm”
link: medtrics.org/the-effects-of...
My best!