Went to see a chiropractor : All I can say is... - Pain Concern

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Went to see a chiropractor

Lanadc88 profile image
20 Replies

All I can say is this is the best thing I have ever done!

My back pain has left me in bed for over a week ( I’m sure you’ve seen my other post) and I have suffered since I was 14/15 and I’m now 31!

Iv had so many tests including and mri which showed no damage but the neurosurgeon said my pain was down to sensitive nerves and to keep taking my meds and resting when need be at let me go on my merry way.

Meds r great if they work but my concoction of zamadol , oramorph, pregablin , methocarbonal , paracetamol , amytriptaline , venlaxafine and voltarol gel were hardly touching the sides. So I said enough is enough I want another opinion and paid to see a chiropractor.

He was great took into consideration my ehlers danlos syndrome and also did another Beighton score to testers my Hypermobility which had in fact worsened! Then we got to my back. With just a glance he knew the problem! Which was down to 1. The curve in my spine and 2. The fact my spine had been moving because of Hypermobility so as a way to protect itself my body had tightened all the muscles around the top of my spine to stop it moving. Only as this has gone on for years untreated my muscles are that tight that the top of my spine doesn’t move at all! Meaning all the stress and strain of movement has been put on my lower back and voila agonising pain occurred.

So we’re going to work together each week or every other week ( as often as my pain allows) to try and loosen my muscles, which is going to be a long old painful road as my body is going to want to fight against it and tighten them again, but he feels that in time he can get them

To a place where they are not to loose for my spine to move unnaturally but are loose enough to relieve some of the stress on the bottom of my back and get the top of my back moving properly again. I won’t be pain free ever but I should be a damn sight more comfortable than I have been and hopefully be able to cut down a lot of my meds.

Now the most frustrating part is that I have been saying to doctors and specialist for years that I feel the curve of my spine is having an impact on my pain and every single time iv been dismissed even when I had an mri recently they would old scan the bottom of my back as that was where the worst pain was even though I’d asked for my entire back to be done so I feel so let down by some of the medical staff as if they had just taken the time to look and feel my back they could have saved me years of agonising pain.

Anyway there’s my update. I currently feel like mike Tyson has gone 7 rounds on my back, but was it worth it ? DEFINITELY and I would do it every week for a year if it meant at the end of it my pain will be more controlled.

If anyone takes anything from this make sure it is that if you have a feeling something is wrong and you keep being dismissed get a second, third, fourth opinion because after all we knows our own bodies better than anyone.

Anyway I’ll stop rambling and get back to watching Netflix in bed for the 10th day running lol so if anyone had any good film or series ideas it would be much appreciated 👌😂😂

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Lanadc88 profile image
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20 Replies
anaretta profile image

I feel the same - it was my best decision I've made.

And I have been telling that to EVERY person I've met with any spine problems but NONE of them ever listened to me as "I don't think that this alternative therapy could do something" or they are afraid (the same as I was) that it could make thing worse because the problem wasn't light to just go and crack some joints xD

So if someone is wavering now - do not wait for the time that you will be so desperate that you would do anything and just then go to a chiropractor :D

laddy3 profile image
laddy3 in reply to anaretta

Wow that’s Amazing so Happy to hear such a Positive story I have had a car accident leaving me with pain in back legs and migraine was thinking of seeing a chiropractor but definitely will now many thx

anaretta profile image
anaretta in reply to laddy3

I hope it will help you relieve your pain! :D

But mind to choose a good one that spends time to listen to your whole story and symptoms, not just "please lay down, I know better what is wrong here, I have a few more patients waiting"


Lanadc88 profile image
Lanadc88 in reply to anaretta

Exactly and that’s exactly what he did I rambled on about everything and not once did he try to rush me or seem fed up of the constant questions like many doctors do. It was just a great experience overall I did google them first and chose the one with 5 star reviews so I guess that played a part in finding such a good one.

Lanadc88 profile image
Lanadc88 in reply to laddy3

It is so so worth it I can’t recommend them enough I was always thinking about it but put it off thinking can they really help? It was only after my mom slipped a disc and literally couldn’t move ( my brother had to practically carry her to the car) he took her to a chiropractor I waited at her house for her to get back and she was like a new woman when she got back, she was still in a lot of pain and not moving great but she was walking around and standing upright 2 things she weren’t doing before she left. So with that in mind and this flare up that refuses to pass I finally broke and said that’s it I’m paying for a chiropractor and despite the pain ( it was more uncomfortable than painful during the treatment but within an hour of leaving the pain crept in) and today .... well we won’t talk about that lol but it’s so worth it he was so knowledgable, reassuring and made sure nothing he did caused me too much discomfort: he was honest about the pain for a few days after and that it wasn’t going to be an easy fix but I will benefit from it so any amount of relief is great for me and even though I’m in the pain I am now I can’t wait for my next treatment so he must have done something right lol

laddy3 profile image
laddy3 in reply to Lanadc88

Haha indeed pain is not gd huh gd luck with ur next appointment and keep us updated

Lanadc88 profile image
Lanadc88 in reply to laddy3

I probably wouldn’t feel so pained if I went 10 rounds with mine Tyson lol but it’s weirdly a more manageable pain than my usual pain even though it’s more constant so I certainly haven’t been put off going again and the pain will get easier as we do more treatments and my muscles relax more. My moms pain was minimal after her appointment so I guess it Leo depends on the days and what treatment they do as to how you will be affected by it

CanuckAnon profile image

Oh dear... have u made it to the couch or somewhere else besides bed yet?? Chiro is a good start eh? Sorry to hear pain along the way but at least some relief is coming... that must bring some hope and relief...😊 u already know what I think about Netflix... lmao

Did you have an Epson salts bath?

Lanadc88 profile image
Lanadc88 in reply to CanuckAnon

Yeah I had a Epsom salts bath and I did make it to the couch yesterday but after the chiropractor I’m

Well at truly back in bed with pains in places I didn’t know I had lol but it’s all worth it and I explained to him I’d been in bed all week and he told me that if I’m in that much pain it’s the best I can do and he did say that after the session I would be in more pain for a day or 2 but then I should feel some relief so I’m in better spirits as there is now some light at the end of the tunnel.... yeah Netflix is... well ... crap now iv watched most the half decent programmes lol I’m just hoping there’s some good ones on there I’ve missed lol

CanuckAnon profile image
CanuckAnon in reply to Lanadc88

Ya pain b4 gain... glad to hear you had a better stay-cation of sorts... change in scenery eh?

I’d be watching YouTube if I were u... Netflix really sucks.... 😊

Lanadc88 profile image
Lanadc88 in reply to CanuckAnon

I have been switching between the 2 lol I just thought it easier to ask for Netflix recommendations than YouTube ones lol

anaretta profile image
anaretta in reply to Lanadc88

hah, I watch stand-ups on youtube or anime xD Anime cartoons are so weird, funny and various that it takes my all attention, thus takes my mind off the pain and got me a bit addicted to it :D no painkillers could do even 1/5 of that :D

Lanadc88 profile image
Lanadc88 in reply to anaretta

Laughter is after all the best medicine :)

anaretta profile image
anaretta in reply to Lanadc88

yes! After all, humour and our attitude is the only thing that is ALL up to us :D

Lanadc88 profile image
Lanadc88 in reply to anaretta

Note to self if you are unable to move about you are certainly unable to clean the rabbit litter tray Jesus I nearly had a break down with the pain and all I did was bend down throw the waste in the bin wipe the tray and throw in some sawdust and more hay and anyone would think iv ran a bloody marathon, sweating ( knew putting the heating on was a bad idea) pain is now even worse than before and all down my left leg ggrrrrrr see if I didn’t have a dog to let out I wouldn’t have seen the messy litter tray ( they live in the conservatory) and my ha e to keep everything clean mode wouldn’t have kicked in and I wouldn’t be in this state lol. It’s so frustrating when u can’t even do the smallest of tasks anyhow dogs been out other half will be back from work in half hour and I’m back in bed in a right old state lol if you don’t laugh you’d cry lol

anaretta profile image
anaretta in reply to Lanadc88

oh, taking care of animals when you are in pain... For a few years, I was a foster home for cats under the foundation. I had to take care of them alone and gradually it was harder and more exhausting and finally, all good things about it faded away ending with "I cannot take care of even one tamed cat". I dream of having a dog. I love them so much. It would be a great comfort for the mind but in my state and while living in the city center without the yard it is 100% out of question :P

Lanadc88 profile image
Lanadc88 in reply to anaretta

Aww bless yeah it’s a big benefit that I have a garden so even when I can’t walk him he still has a good run about in the garden and I’m lucky enough that my house backs into a field so if I’m bad and he needs a good run I can just make sure No one is about and let him off and stand by my back gate and let him burn off some extra energy it’s part of the reason why we moved here so that he could still have a decent amount of exercise even on bad days

johnsmith profile image

Fascia in the Osteopathic field by Torsten Liem, Paole Tozzi and Anthony Chila is useful and explains a lot of things.

You cannot rely on the chiropractor. They hopefully will do what is necessarily. However, you will have movement habits which could undo what the chiropractor has fixed.

Have a look at the following Youtube video which will explain a few things about movement habits


Great news! I’m seeing a McTimoney chiropractor after having 4 months off work with my back last year. Never heard of McTimoney before (a more gentle practice) was recommended on here & wow, changed my life. I’m now pregnant (16wks) & sciatica playing up at times, however I can shortly see my Chiro again (I literally love him) and I know he’ll put me right. Worth every penny. Good luck to you!

lgd333 profile image

Excellent news... May the work outs with the chiropractor go well... Keep us updated on progress!

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