I am having bad cramps at night but it isn't in my calves it's at the front my muscle seems to go over my bone and cramps all the way down the top of my foot it's very painful does anyone have any ideas what might cause this there's some very knowledgeable people on here
Cramp at front of leg: I am having bad cramps... - Pain Concern
Cramp at front of leg

Hi, those cramps are very common and annoying, yet not dangerous. Two different scenarios: if u still are younger, just try taking 250 mg Magnesium at nite and lie on floor, pull in knees, turn both legs right, hold count of 10, do other side. If you are older like me with spine trouble mostly its the sciatic nerve and ...Magnesium is always good idea.....you need more floor exercises that stretch your lower Body. Slow stretches, not aerobics. It helps me. Those cramps are awfully painful and the leg muscles ache all day after....good luck! Btw, a blood test to check your potassium levels in other words your electrolites.
Exercises good all day but best a series of them before bedtime.
Thank you very much for your reply yes I am older and have got a lot of nerve and disc damage but will try your suggestions
Definitely from sciatic nerve especially if cramps are worse on one leg but both can kind a
Of seize up....go to youtube and find stretches for lumbar spine sciatica. Trust me, its like a miracle, just before bed time they help.....last nite no cramp.....i worked up to 15 minutes. Its important you hold the stretch to count of 10, up to 30.@fel crampfree soon. 🤗
Sorry you are having so much pain. I went to my Dr last week and she said it looks like shin splints which get better on their own. She did prescribe a gel it I've got pick it up from chemist this week as they had run out!! I can't remember the name of the gel but I will let you know as soon as I collect it. Hope you feel better soon. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Thank you can you tell me anymore about shin splints the right side of my shin really hurts when I brush up against anything it seems to be deep in my muscle but when I come to press it it doesn't seem so bad it's really weird
It just hurts to walk on it, the pain us that bad I can hardly out my foot down as it shoots along my shin. Have you had the feeling that something is snapping in your shin, i forgot to mention it to my Dr. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
630mg Magnesium available in Oz for just this condition . And exercise stretching the muscles gets rid of cramp. One exercise easy if stiff sore etc is to lean on a wall hands flat and feet apart then feet farther out etc as stretching - muscles get knotted seemingly. Or lie on the floor if you can do the stretching there. Hubbie had shocking nights with cramp and GP didn't help - found this suggestion on line and it has worked for him for 10 yrs now.
Don't take this higher dose of Magnesium except if suffer from cramp. Lower dose for everyday around 130 mg.