Hi post op 16 days for L3/4 Decompression and L/4 & L5/SI Foraminectomy.
For severe spinal central canal stenois it. Was a Six hour surgery leg for right leg sciatica pain and it appears gone but now need to rebuild leg strength and body strength both legs numb and tingling and bottom.of feet my dr says allow 6 weeks for sensations to go away i am.using walker now about 20 minutes per day and walk.with on my own about 8 minutes per day so about 30minutes total.per day
I will double this amount on Day 18
I wear my brace except at night when I sleep
I am 65 non /smoker/drinker
I have to wear brace 3 months
No heavy work for 6 month
I am.told to expect full recovery Between 6 months to a year
Anyone else out there had my similar surgery ? No fusion
Please let me know
My name is Tom
My post title lumbar spine surgery