Could anyone point me in the right direction for the best massage for tissue muscle tension? I don't want to make it worse by choosing the wrong type. What worked for other people?
Best massage?: Could anyone point me in the... - Pain Concern
Best massage?

Had full body massage, back only and aromatherapy. All successful.
A good masseur will unknot your tight muscles.
Acupuncture is excellent too.
But like any of these procedures...use one who has been recommended by friends
This is not an easy question. Different practitioners have different manipulation skills. Different tensions require different techniques.
Fibromyalgia symptoms require massage techniques which can be quite painful. When this type of massage treatment is required you require a therapist with the human characterises of a good dentist. This way the hurt is not so bad.
I have had some very very stressful life events recently. This left me feeling the cold even though the temperature was about 20 degrees. My lesson with my Alexander Teacher which usually is the lightest of guiding touches became one of working to untwist the inner core muscles on a massage table using deep gentle touch. This enabled me not to feel cold at 20 degrees. It changed my thinking from being deeply suicidal to one of I can cope better.
When I have to lengthen a muscle micro cramp by stretching the technique used will hurt. When I am untensing a muscle the technique will not hurt the muscle it just lengthens. When I guide a body into a better state with muscles untensing there is no hurt.
I am not sure if I answered your question very well. All you can do is network with people in your locality and find a therapist who gels with you. The gelling is the important bit. There are people we cannot gel with and there are people we gel very well with. The muscles will not totally relax with someone we cannot gel with.
It really is dependent on problem??
Ie do u have pain somewhere which needs looking into ie a bad back or something which mean u may want a osteopath or chiropractor
Then if u just want a nice massage go to a beauticians or aromatherpist.
If u want a deep tissue massage go to a sports therapist, warning! They hurt... i could walk after mine.
Some physio have massage therapist on premises there usually good as there trained to get into areas u have prob with.
It really is a case of what u want from ur therapist
I have nerve pain from my neck and muscle is twice the size it was on my shoulder so a deep tissue massage would be beneficial to it?
Thank you for your reply.
I would mayb suggest a sport massage or mayb osteo.
I have two herniated discs and nerve pain and i have osteo two times a month and it really work for me
Try self massage, you can use a tennis ball, you press ball between your back and a wall while standing, google it, it may help
Kat, If you have fibromyalgia, most of the people who want to push on tight muscles will only make it worse. There is a technique called skin rolling my previous (long ago) person used to do which pulled the tissue (myofascial) away from bone, and that worked wonders. It was also gentle. I am now doing acupuncture and Reiki at the same time. It helps. But nothing really works. I live in a rural area and there is no massage place down any roads here, either, so I know you will have a drive. Good luck.