I need a strong CBD vape juice to replace smoking cannabis, I know they are different but the reason I smoke it is to help with my spasms and it’s amazing for that but I tired 600mg strength and it didn’t do anything to me. I don’t know if it’s because where I bought it from or I’m doing something wrong but I need some advice please!
Need a CBD product to replace smoking cannabis - Pain Concern
Need a CBD product to replace smoking cannabis

There are different types of CBD nowadays, including qualities , try to stick with UK made products , as they are tested and ,higher grade and contain no oil (oil lingers in the lungs) .
Take into consideration that , the bigger the bottle , the weaker it is , CBD content is measured per container and not per ml , the other thing you need to consider is type of vape kit you are using , because they all perform differently .
I know this sounds like mine field, but if you go to a proper shop , and ask your questions , if they are unable to answer them satisfyingly, go elsewhere , as it can be costly .
I’m bedbound so that’s not possible for me? Also I’ve been told to stay away from high street CBD vape stuff
Go to a gd cannibals seed: hemp shop. They should help you put. Once you start vaping the oil you won’t look back. It’s will help you a lot. 🤞🏻
Yea don’t go to hig street shop. I will try to find you a link. Will be in touch 😉
Thank you so much! I tried vaping before with a strong one but it didn’t do anything so I want to find one that will actually help lol
Sorry to butt-in, but I've just found your post and I've been looking for the same? I've never smoked weed, but at 65, and in horrific pain, I'm prepared to try anything! Would you be so kind as to send the link to me as well please? 🙏 Thanks.
Hi Chicy. Would you be so kind as to pass the link to me as well, please? 🙏 Many thanks.
I am in the same boat as you I can't find the right one I thought it would be easier now it's
Legal for medical use. The one I got done nothing for the pain and it's a nightmare.
Let me know how you get on if you get a good one
I know it's mental
Can you elaborate on what is it you think is mental?
The price of any kind of goods today everything is going up except wages and pensions.
I knew what they meant and it is mental the price of everything especially things to help with pain or disabilities
Anything beginning with Medi.... or Ortho..... adds at least £20 to the price of!! It's not fair!! 😡

Just more ways for our lovely government to make money lol
...Picking on the weakest people in society, along with the aged? And if we're old AND disabled, it's a double-whammy! 👹

I feel being young and disabled is just as bad. I have a 5 year old child to look after as well as being bedbound and disabled and the only things that help me are to experience and I can’t take things away from my son
Smoking is bad !! try treating it with oil drops ?? it will help you manage it more the vape in my opinion should only be used as a top up if you feel you really need it. Also stick with a reputable supplier, check this with the CTA for instance they can confirm the legal standing on products and get you an Honest and trustworthy supplier that will help you on your path.
Are you in the UK ?
Yes in the UK, I don’t like the oil it does nothing and I’ve been told to vape. I don’t care if people think it’s bad sorry
That is unfortunate regarding the oil as it is a great healthy way of regulating your body, I hope you find your product at a price that is right for you.
Make sure you do your research into the company to insure you are getting a legal and safe product.
Good luck.