Hello! I was wondering if anyone could give any advice. I’ve been suffering with pain in my right side for 9 weeks. It started as a dull ache but then got worse. I’ve seen 5 different GP’s and 1 consultant that all said it was muscular up until 2 weeks ago. I started to feel very unwell and suggested to another GP if it could be my kidneys? The dip stick test said white blood cells or something which could indicate to a kidney infection so was given antibiotics for 6 days. After the 6 days the pain on my right side went but then had awful pain on my left side, down my back, belly & groin. I went back to GP who said the dip stick was clear & no infection come back from lab so would not give anymore antibiotics. I’m in so much pain & feel dreadful. Is it possible to have a kidney infection without it showing up in lab? Xx
Kidney pain : Hello! I was wondering if anyone... - Pain Concern
Kidney pain

It could be gravel in your kidneys. I had one a few years ago lot of pain round my back. Felt like I was giving birth rung doctors who confirmed it said painkillers warm bath and a case of waiting for them to go threw,which can take time. I didnt even realised I had passed them until the pain subsided have a word maybe with a different doctor. Mine showed up no infection . Scan just showed the tiny bits of gravel. Drink up to about 2 litres a day of water to help flush it out.hope you feel better soon
See a chiropractor. You need a second opinion to take to the doctor. Tumours can be present and could give the impression that it is muscular. Some antibiotics have anti-inflammatory properties. So you may have pain reduced because of anti-inflammatory.
I would get check for endometriosis or gynaecology problems as I have the exact problem but I have stage 4 endometriosis and frequent UTIs
It could be kidney stones that's how mind started. The pain Was unbearable I had to have a lithotrypsy to break it up. The only thing that eased the pain Was diclofenic .ask for an x-ray that will rule it out.