Hi really really struggling with pain. I have been to out of hours twice this week. I keep getting diazapan. So stuck on amitriptyline, Gabapentin, tramadol. The most effective is amitriptyline. Worried this burning will never end.
In severe pain most days. Burning shoulders a... - Pain Concern
In severe pain most days. Burning shoulders and middle back.

You have the symptoms of pressure on a nerve root. If you have not had an MRI scan get one. GPs cannot order scans they have to go through a consultant. At this stage it is impossible to give advice because it is not known what is causing the pressure. A McTimony chiropractor is worth going to. They can give a valuable second opinion and may be able to remove the problem.
If the problem is postural bad habits then seeing an Alexander Teacher for help to improve muscle usage would be helpful.
Hi Petal, there is a type of massage that might help this type of pain. I posted this video a short time ago and believe it will enlighten people. articles.mercola.com/sites/...
that was very interesting
I went through phases of burning thighs, restless legs and pain between my shoulders. You have many sensory nerves along the spinal column reacting to something. I was hypothyroid, have you had that checked out and if so, was your TSH over 2? It turns out that the brain is very involved and often comes down to inflammation. Inflammatory foods can be causing this and for some it is gluten or dairy. We know that vegetable oils like safflower, canola are also inflammatory and saturated fats are healthier. You don't want to be stuck on painkillers. Try the autoimmune or ketogenic diet for a time and see if it helps.
I cannot emphasise enough the value of finding out what is causing the problem. Pointless treating the symptoms without tackling the cause. An MRI of your cervical spine might shed some light on that.
Normally the discs bulge outwards and can inmpact on the nerve bundles leaving the spinal cord via the foramina. You might think about getting a referral to a neurosurgeon. If you are near London then a referral to the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery might be worthwhile. I had pain radiating from my neck down my arms and had surgery from a surgeon there who specialises in cervical spine surgery. Pain doesn’t appeared immediately.
Did you get a solution to your problem Petal12?