I have tried everything for the pain but still my pain has not gone away
Why am I going through a lot of pain in my sh... - Pain Concern
Why am I going through a lot of pain in my shoulder and shoulder blade *

Could be lots of reasons, frozen shoulder, tendon tears, muscle or neck problems, have you been to your GP ?
Yes he suggested a x ray for the shoulder and saI'd could be due to lack of muscle the body has
So go and get your X-ray done to find out the cause of the pain but you may need an ultrasound as well.
Why would I need a ultrasound
It's another way of diagnosing a problem, I've had a frozen shoulder for 2 years and it's extremely painful. I've had X-rays and ultrasounds to diagnose and make sure there are no tendon tears.
Good that's a place to start.
Has he given you anything for the pain?
He has given me co codamol 30mg ones
You say once. Do you mean so many a day for several days?
Have you told him it is still painful and may need something stronger?
GP will always start on loe doses.
I first started with co codamol 8/500
Then co codamol
And now co codamol 30/500
I want to see the cause of the pain before I take anything stronger
I have had this pain since septemper last year
Has the doctor booked you in for one then? Or done any more tests?
The doctor has booked me one to diagnose the promblem and then the results from this xray I will take it from there
He booked me with allaince medical
Has it only just got bad then?
Hopefully you get the answers to your problem but just be warned sometimes they don’t always show up the problems we have
I have has this pain fTom September last year bur the pain does not appear to be in one place in the shoulder all the time
Why has it taken them a year just to get you for an X-ray? And if your still in pain go back and ask for some better painkillers.
If X-ray shows nothing you might need an MRI or something? If you’ve told your doctor that you don’t want to take stronger painkillers until you know what’s wrong your doctor probably took that as you weren’t in that much pain and it wasn’t urgent.
You could be waiting months just for an X-ray so maybe go back and talk to your doctor?
You have not tried everything. Have you had an MRI scan? x-rays do not show tissue. Ultrasound is very limited in the areas it explores.
Orthopaedic Physiotherapists are very limited in what they do. Alexander Teacher will help in mobility and pain control. McTimony chiropractor will help find things that could help reduce the problem. These are things that help but not cure. You must have an MRI scan on shoulder and spine.
I tore a tendon in the arm a number of years ago which left me with a lot of pain (for over a year). The inflammation had filled the area with fluid that was invisible to the naked eye and would have been invisible to x-rays. The treatment for the problem was a two week course of Erythromycin.
Erythromycin is one of the best anti-inflammatories around. It is also an antibiotic. The modern work on the human bionome shows that bacteria can enter the body fairly easily. If you have an area where things malfunction it is possible for bacteria to get lodged there and produce issues.
"could be due to lack of muscle the body has". Lack of muscle is a symptom of something. That something could be the cause of pain.
Thanks for that information
It has been quite useful to me