Sitting at keyboard and sudden shoulder blade... - Pain Concern

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Sitting at keyboard and sudden shoulder blade pain very painful and lost movability

CreakyBea profile image
6 Replies

Hi All...was typing away on keyboard and suddenly felt piercing stab in right blade area..continued to get worse and could hardly lift arm...I've had DSE's so its nothing to do with posture and sitting incorrectly etc...Pain then crept up my neck only on right side and down into my right buttock....writing this at 2am as cannot lie comfortably and have taken naproxen a4 hrs ago and now had 2 pregablin to stop the spasms....Never experienced this before and don't know what else to try....have gently tried to stretch right arm upwards to release the muscle but failed....Any ideas on here?

Thanks for reading


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CreakyBea profile image
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6 Replies
Littlemole43 profile image

It's to do with posture I have also experienced the same pain .

grace111 profile image

hi there im sorry to hear about your pain can you tell me what DSe"S are please. i just wondered if you maybe had a window open or got a draught. i thought it worth mentioning that although we may be sitting in the correct posture sometimes we can have more weight on one hip that the other. i know I'm always correcting myself for those things as i work on my posture a lot during the day. i'v often found myself standing more on one foot that on both feet equally and this in itself can cause problems. i do hope you find out what it is and get some relief.also it might be interesting to think about if your pain is on the side you write with or the opposite site, all those things can show a lot up when we investigate them.i know you were typing but im just trying to find out if your left or right handed and i see that the pain is on the right side. love grace xoxoxo

CreakyBea profile image
CreakyBea in reply to grace111

Hi Grace

I am right handed. I have widespread OA and need a new knee joint but am putting this off since last October also ..I did have a mild stroke 6 yrs ago which affected my right side and has left me with a limp and weak thigh muscle so was very scared that it was another neurological problem as the shoulder blade pain escalated through my buttock and down my right leg to under my right foot pad.

UPDATE as didn't get relief or sleep till pain was horrific and couldn#t sit on loo either had a phone consult with my G.P. (lovely supportive G.P.) this afternoon and he has reassured me that this is a severe muscle spasm attack and to keep on my meds and rest although if sitting to get up and move every half an hour...

DSE assessment - Display Screen Equipment assessment..conducted in workplace and have Access to Work support...If I didn't have this support I would not be able to continue working..need to stay in work as long as possible as really believe psychologically helps to distract with all other physical problems although its a catch 22 as am sometimes so fatigued and achy I just don't want to socialise and that's not good either.

Hope you are having a good day!

Bea xx

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to CreakyBea

i definitely agree with work being a good distraction as i live on my own and i can tell you the things that go through the mind and the self pity its hard work fighting against it all. yes i just thought that maybe you had overworked the strong side of your body.because the strong side is the side we use the most, glad to hear that you have a good doctor that does make all the difference. i work on my posture and my breathing and am always interested in finding ways of moving and how i get from A to B and seeing how many ways i can do that, i won't bore you with the details but its become a bit of a hobby of mine now, i know what you mean about the catch 22 but if you didnt distract yourself with your work and used that time to go out your frame of mind might not be so posititve if your sitting with pain all day. we all find out what works for us.i hope that you get better and that the worst of the pain is better.nice speaking to you bea. love grace xoxoxo 🤗🙋🏼

CreakyBea profile image
CreakyBea in reply to grace111

Hi Grace...I live on my own you have to be gentle and careful with yourself and you are right about the mind set- you think the worst...pain is less today but still could not make it into work as cannot sit for long and need to move slowly round the house or lie doing gently exercises to keep shoulder from freezing as, had over reached doing painting in house and left me with frozen shoulder and then I fell on hidden impacted ice on car park at work 7/8 yrs ago and ended up having to have a left shoulder arthroscopy after much physio and steroid injections (hate them) ! Feeling much better - must be the drugs...(prescribed!) Wish I knew how to insert an emoji here but on old laptop and cannot seem to download them...brain dysfunction!!

Hope today is treating you kindly! Hugs Bea xx

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to CreakyBea

aww thanks bea. im glad to hear that your a little better today. thats always good news. maybe you would benefit from the feldenkrais technique i have great faith in it and am alawys refering people to it. its on utube and if you just type in feldenkrais shoulder pain or even your condition many videos will come up as this movement is all about pain and finding new ways to move. i was going to say something else but the doorbell just went and now i'v forgotten, have a nice day. love grace xoxoxo

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