Hi all, hope everyone is well. I've been living with chronic pain since I was around 14 (now 21) starting with weakness in my ankles and shins. I now have constant pain in most of my bones, especially my long bones which gets more intense at night. I dont know what to do as I have been going to the doctors for years to try and find out why I am in pain every day but have been fobbed off as if I am a liar or because I'm young it cant be anything serious. I cant deal with the pain everyday it's unbearable, it leaves me exhausted and dreading attempting to get up in the morning. What would anyone suggest? How could I get a diagnosis for my chronic pain.
Why am I constantly in pain but no diagnosis? - Pain Concern
Why am I constantly in pain but no diagnosis?

Dont give up...go with ur gut..if u r hurting ..find a doc that WILL listen.
Take control of your healthcare.
Have u tried acupuncture,cupping,chiropractic,chinese medicine,medical marijuana.
I was on prescription meds over 20 years,nearly killed me,so i fired docs n took control of my health.Im way better for it.
Btw..ur never alone here..we all get it.
Best to u.😁

Thank you! I have tried acupuncture, Chinese medicine, marijuana. I find medical marijuana helps alleviate the pain but not strong enough.
Thank you for your response I appreciate it! All the best to you too
Have you ever got to the bottom of the weakness in your ankles? Are any of your joints hypermobile, that is they move further than most people's joints?
There are some connective tissue disorders such as Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder and Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and many people with one of these conditions also have chronic pain.
Thank you for replying! I have never got to the bottom of the weakness, but I have had it since my early teens. When I went to see the doctor he said my joints were hyper mobile and asked if anyone had ever noticed before. I was booked in for a bone scan this month but due to coronavirus not happening.
When I see the doctor I will mention these things. Thank you!