This is my first post Am 68 very active but have suffered with chronic sciatica for over 2 years due to, I am told, a slightly protruding disc. Suffered an awful lot of pain, had various injections and no further forward. Had a severe flare up last week and am back to square one!! Have tried alternative remedies but so far without success. Any ideas?
Taking a lot of pain medication: This is my... - Pain Concern
Taking a lot of pain medication

Hay Margaret1948
Afraid to say 4yrs older than me, but does mean I might have a few newer teatments.
My GP prescribes Lidocaine 5% patches, no edge only sticky area, the whole thing is sticky. You can cut into strips which I do, the put in the places that hurt to start with. They last for 12 hours (really do), and help by just aneasthetising the painfull area. These might be really helpful for you.
I also get Lidicaine 5% gel, which I use where a patch isn't practical, like back of the hand or where you have a lot of fine body hair (hurts pulling off). It's sticky initially, but dries in fairly quickly. I always use the gloves you get at filling stations to apply, then you don't risk putting in your eyes by accident.
I am sure these will help, and if your GP does let you have some, PM me and I will explain in more detail how best to use them. I am using them to ease a prolapsed disc, which causes referred pain in the left leg.
Love Hayesider
See a McTimony chiropractor. They are unlikely to cure the problem. They will be able to remove any muscle micro cramps that are causing pain and discomfort.
Another therapist to see is an Alexander Teacher. The will help with posture and muscle control issues that cause pain and discomfort.
Hope this helps
I got shown some specific very gentle stretching exercises by a physio that help gently get my spine back into a better position where my sciatic nerve isn't being squished. They don't always work, but do most of the time, so keeps things at bay. It was definitely worthwhile seeing the physio as they could make sure I was doing the exercise in a way that wasn't going to cause further damage. I also use voltarol or ibuprofen gel regularly over my lower back area when things flare up, as this seems to help reduce inflammation, which in turn takes the pressure off squished sciatic nerve.
If its been a while since you were assessed, it might be worth asking your GP whether there is anything surgical that could be considered (though that is usually very much a last resort)
Look on the Internet for the McKenzie roll and disc probs it'll give you various ideas it helped me hope you're feeling better soon
It's hard to pace yourself when used to being active. But give it a go. Often no meds help with crhonic pain. Pain management suggest keeping an activity diary. To see what triggers a flare. My flares don't kick in for over 24 hours. Good luck chuck.
Tens machines are a god send too.
Some 30 years ago I had sciatica which got worse, in the end I had a operation were they removed the disc and vertebrae I spent 10 days in Hospital, but I recovered completely. They did tell me several things which was as I got older I would have problems with the muscles in my back. I am 60 now and do have problems with the muscles but I adjust my life accordingly so this is not a problem. They also said because I had not used a stick to help me walk this helped me with my recovery. So it might be worth having a word with your Doctor to see if any of this appropriate in your case as operations and methods of treatment as changed a lot over the years. I'm on this site because I suffer with Osteoarthritis in the neck which as been very painful for the last two days even though I'm on morphine.
Hay Margaret1948
How are you getting on ? Had any luck with your GP and lidocaine patches ?