I fell last week and banged my wrist and hand quite badly on a storage box,i went to a and e as the pain was bad had xrays no breaks but the pain at the base of my thumb and next finger is still very bad even holding a knife etc is very painfull as any body else had this and did it take long to heal.
Pain in base of my thumb and next finger afte... - Pain Concern
Pain in base of my thumb and next finger after a fall

If there's no break it is likely to be soft tissue damage. This can be more painful than a break.
It is painfull broke my wrist a few years ago and its as bad as that .
Could be a sprain in which case you will have to immobilize it.
Didn't the hospital say anything?
Just to keep using it as normal which is hard as it hurts too much also last time i broke my wrist they missed a scaphoid fracture and ended up with complex regional pain sydrome which ended up me not being able to open my hand no more
You need to see a gp as I think you have tendon damage.

Hi i am going back when i get back of holiday today thanks
Some wrist breaks are very difficult to find. The hospital may have missed it first time round.
Thanks i know missed one last time i broke my wrist but too late crps had set in
It is not too late. The medical profession do not know how muscles work. Nor does the medical profession know much about spinal reflexes. There are effective treatments to restore proper muscle behaviour which are well known in the complementary medical community.
No appropriate treatment can be done until the issue of whether you have a broken bone is sorted out. And appropriate healing is done.
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy was established in 1894 as the Society of Trained Masseuses by four nurses - Lucy Marianne Robinson, Rosalind Paget, Elizabeth Anne Manley and Margaret Dora Palmer - who wished to protect their profession after stories in the press warned young nurses and the public of unscrupulous people offering massage as a euphemism for other services.
In 1894 the British Medical Association (BMA) inquired into the education and practice of massage practitioners in London, and found that prostitution was commonly associated with unskilled workers and debt, often working with forged qualifications. In response to what became known as "the Massage Scandals of 1894", legitimate massage workers formed the Society of Trained Masseuses (now known as the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy), with an emphasis on high academic standards and a medical model for massage training.[1]
The skills of massage which are needed to successfully treat conditions such as crps is not part of a physiotherapist's training hence the sub standard treatment of CRPS conditions by the medical profession.
You need to network with people to find who are good with their hands in your local area.
It will take at least six weeks to restore full mobility once you start on a proper treatment regime.
Hope this has been helpful.
Hi sorry i mean i got crps last time in 2009 and ive now lost all mobility in my hand and wrist with my fingers folded in to my palm of my hand they cannot be moved now .when i did have physio in 2009 it made my condition worse hense beong referred to pain clinic instead.
Uncontracting over-contracted muscles is a painful process. It takes weeks and months. I know because I broke my wrist a number of years ago
Physio is one size fits all. You need to see McTimony chiropractor in your area. It does cost money but they can do something. Like help reduce certain muscular conditions.
One of the side effects of my wrist break was the loss of power in my fingers. The McTimony chiropractor demonstrated that the muscles in the wrist had tightened on the tendon sheaths. They removed the muscle tightening on the tendon sheaths and my fingers had strength again.
I get the exact same pain you’re describing; I’m theorizing mine is from my Psoriatic Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. It typically hurts the more my fingers are swollen AND I use my hands and wrists a lot (like typing at work). I agree with the previous post that it could be related to soft tissue. When my joints are swollen it leads to inflammation of the muscles and other surrounding tissues (tendons, etc) and I get horrible referred pain and inflammation. I’m guessing this is what’s happening to you as our pain sounds parallel. I’ve found a heat pack and applying pressure can somewhat relieve the pain...it won’t get rid of it but it’ll help.