After period bleeding: Period ended one week... - Pain Concern

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After period bleeding

Teds456 profile image
31 Replies

Period ended one week ago. (I am 51) It was shorter than average, but a normal flow. One week later and I have started bleeding again. I’m not on birth control, and am definitely not pregnant (husband is unable to perform due to his medication, so there has been no intercourse)

I have read all of the ominous scenarios on the internet of course, but am trying to not allow my head to run away. Our insurance is changing so I can’t see a dr right now.

Has anyone else experienced this and are there any positive possibilities ?? Thank you!

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Teds456 profile image
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31 Replies
ssdw1958 profile image

You are probably starting Menopause. I was your age when it started. BUT if you are concerned you need to talk to your gynecologist because everyone is different AND I am not a doctor. I will let you know what I told my sister when she started make sure you have the products (pads, etc) you need, because if it is it will happen when ever.... Take care of yourself I mean eat properly.

hypercat54 profile image

I agree with ssdw that you are almost certainly going through the menopause. One of the first signs is your periods changing which could be it's late, early, lighter than usual or more heavy. It's very common to spot as well.

Are you getting any hot flushes too? how about night sweats, feeling unusually anxious or emotional? These also are signs.

Please don't worry about it as it is completely normal. I do think though you need to go to the doctor as a precaution if you can and don't forget there are various hormone replacement therapies which can help. x

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to hypercat54

I some how for got about those night sweats I would have to change and put a bath towel on the sheets so I could go back to sleep. But for me they didn’t last that long

But since you’re going through this now is a good time to really eat properly.

Teds456 profile image
Teds456 in reply to ssdw1958

No night sweats or any other menopausal symptoms. Dang the internet has me freaked! I read if there’s irregular bleeding after 50, that’s when cancer is usually found! Omg

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to Teds456


If you are concerned remember what I said when I first spoke with you we are NOT doctors here.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Teds456

Yes that can be a sign of cancer but when you are going through the change it's going to be because of that. Irregular bleeding with no obvious cause (such as the menopause) should be investigated.

My sister had spotting well after her change had finished so went to the doctor. She had a colonoscopy to check for bowel cancer and other things but nothing was found. She was told that cancer was by far the least likely scenario as there are a host of other reasons which are much more common.

Again I agree with ssdw, stay off Dr Google as you will go from a mild headache to dead in 3 clicks!

You need to get yourself to a doctor asap if only to put your mind at rest. x

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to hypercat54

Thank you I don't want any one to worry about anything until it's time to worry afer they see a REAL DOCTOR. AND IF ITS menopause guess what you won’t need to buy anymore pads and believe you having MS is a pain in the butt. You will be glad you can check that off the list.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to ssdw1958

Sorry? Have I upset you with my reply to Teds456 or something? Or did you mean to reply to her and not me?

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to hypercat54

No you didn’t upset me at all did I write it like I was upset if I did I am so sorry. To tell you the truth I wrote that post and didn’t read it before I sent it. oops 😬 my bad. I do that sometimes and sometimes when I go back and read through some of the posts I say to myself

“Self you sound so bad you really need to read your posts before you send them“

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to ssdw1958

Lol no worries. I was more concerned than annoyed that I had inadvertently upset you or something. If I had I would have edited or deleted my reply.

You are aware you can edit your posts/replies aren't you? Just click on the more button at the bottom. x

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to hypercat54

I know but I didn’t and again I am sorry it’s been a crazy week. You know when you don’t work you don’t realize that this is a long weekend. Because every weekend is long LoL 😂

I hope you have a good weekend

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to ssdw1958

Ok. I don't work either and the time can drag can't it? Fortunately for me it's a friends birthday this weekend so we are all out tomorrow night seeing a live comedian. And on Sunday a load of us are going out for a meal which will be great. I also work ad hoc in a charity shop as a volunteer so might well pop in Monday to help out. The time should pass quite quickly which is good and I won't have to spend too long on my own.

I hope you have as good a one as possible anyway. Take care. x

Teds456 profile image
Teds456 in reply to hypercat54

I do appreciate everyone’s feedback and I DO realize no one here is actually a doctor. As I stated in my first post, I can’t afford a doctor right now, so I guess I’m just looking for some peace of mind until I can go. You’re right, Dr Google is a mixed blessing. I guess after all day worrying myself sick about this, I realize all scenarios and can better psych myself up. On the bright side- I am able to see the dr June 12, but that seems like a lifetime away!

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to Teds456

You got this And June 12 really isn’t that far away by then you will have more questions for them. You can do one thing to be ready

and that is make a list of what you want to ask them.

.P.S. try to enjoy the weekend 😎😃🙃🌈👊

Teds456 profile image
Teds456 in reply to ssdw1958

Thank you very much. Been feeling sorry for myself because it’s supposed to be a holiday weekend (WHITE shorts, etc) I feel like it’s now over-shadowed by this. I keep telling myself that surely the bleeding will stop by June 12, but if not I’ll just have to go to the EXPENSIVE ER!! In any rate, whatever it is will be diagnosed and nothing is out of Gods control- that will be my anchor 🤗. Happy holiday to you as well!🇺🇸

Lm92 profile image

I'm only 37, but I have had the same thing happen to me twice now. I have tracked my period for several years now because my periods started becoming 40 days apart when they had previously always been every 28 days, like clockwork.

I'm not sure if it applies to you or not, but the only factor in my life that changed in those 2 instances where my period stopped after a couple of days and then restarted a few days to a week later was that I had just completed antibiotic therapy. My gynecologist said this can sometimes happen.

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to Lm92

Thanks for the input it is a good thing ever one puts in there input

Teds456 profile image
Teds456 in reply to Lm92

This is really interestesing . While I haven’t been on any drug therapy lately, we did do a major life change with our family last year. Stress has been through the roof! I suppose anything can throw your delicate balance out of whack ,right?

Lm92 profile image

Especially when seemingly innocuous things can affect menstrual cycles so much.

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to Lm92

This way if anyone has any questions they need to speak to there own doctor. You bring up some important information that we didn't even think about.

cyberbarn profile image

Try to get a good book or website on menopause. It is a normal thing, we all go through it, it isn't a medical problem, even if Dr Google makes it out to be.

I had periods that got closer and closer together, then further and further apart over a two year period. Then I didn't have one for a year, then I had three more in a row. When the GP found out they sent me for a scan. I tired to fight it because I knew it was the last gasp, many women have it. it wasn't unexplained bleeding! The scan was a waste of NHS money as of course they didn't find anything.

They also had this problem with me being 56 because they said that was too old. No it isn't. It might be above the average but there is no one who is actually average. And others in my family have been that late too. It is all to do with how many eggs you have left in your ovaries, not what a medical text book says.

And don't worry if you are not having all the usual symptoms, like hot flushes/flashes, mood swings and so on. I had none of those. Nadda! Not one hot flush! My periods just kinda' stopped.

Teds456 profile image
Teds456 in reply to cyberbarn

Yes my gyno last year did say I might be a lucky one and not have any symptoms other than I just have one last period!! My mom did have horrific hot flashes for years however, so not so sure illl escape those :/

ssdw1958 profile image

I had a pthat happen to me I got to the twoad year mark and then I had another period. Then finally it stop

waylay profile image

Menopause? I've been in perimenopause for about 2 years now. I bleed randomly, on no particular schedule. Sometimes I bleed for as little as half an hour (surprise!), and sometimes not at all for a couple of months. I'm 42.

Bunny4jeff profile image

Menopause...its an individual thing. Hearing comments and experiences from all of us, one thing struck me, is that we are all different; some start earlier than others, some have other symptoms, like what we are told we always have but often don't, like hot flushes, sudden tiredness, moodiness, etc. One thing is the same though. We all go through "it", and at our own body's pace, and in its own good time! I had irregular periods, on and off, heavy, light, etc for the length of the menopause, approx. 3 years in all, before I embarrassingly, had one final, extra-heavy one, almost like a miscarriage, but not, as I wasn't having sex. The best advice I could give would be not to worry, see your doctor for reassurance, and carry supplies and a change of clothing, wear pads if going out, while you are having unpredicatable periods. It can be a bummer of a time but thankfully doesn't last too long, and you'll be so glad when the transition is over and you're free!

Teds456 profile image
Teds456 in reply to Bunny4jeff

Amen to this! I cannot wait to be through this stage of life! One thing I am learning in this process is how ridiculous the medical community still is concerning women’s health! Here I am at 51 feeling like I did when I was 12 and just beginning my periods- that is wondering if I’m dying or what’s going on in my body when it’s all just a natural process (hopefully that is) I mean there’s a very real chance it could be something else, but after reading all of these wonderful replies, I see now everyone has experienced something in one way or another. Thank you all for being so helpful!!

MrsM7 profile image

Im not a Dr but I was a menopause nurse. At 51 a change in periods is the menopause. A normal process that all women go through, the average age is 50 to 51 so you are completley normal. Some people have lots of symptoms some have almost none. Just like lots of other things we all vary. You should see a Dr if you want HRT or you suddenly get heavy or painful periods. They could be irregular for a few months or a few years. Or they could stop altogether any time soon. Dont worry.

Teds456 profile image
Teds456 in reply to MrsM7

This really meant a lot to me thank you so much for responding! Like I said in previous posts, what I’ve read says that cancers usually start in the 50’s so abnormal bleeding should be checked out. Ughh. May I bother you to ask aprrox how many days of bleeding is ok before I should go in to the ER? I’m on day 3 now. Some minor clots. No appt until June 12

MrsM7 profile image

You could bleed really randomly for weeks its because your hormones are in chaos, they are trying to carry on as normal but the master switch is turning off and one day it will win. Unless you get really heavy bleeding then don't worry. You are fine to wait till June. even a couple of days of heavy bleeding could be a final clearout. It really is unpredictable. DONT WORRY it will just make it worse. Anxiety causes your hormones to act up. So relax and let nature take its course. In two years when you have no bleeding at all it will be bliss.

Teds456 profile image

You are a blessing! Thank you!!

Sheila-Squirrel profile image

A simple blood test can indicate if you are starting the menopause. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) rises. Along with that and a history of other symptoms a diagnosis is usually made. Every woman is individual in their menopause journey. There are lots of reasons for periods to be irregular eg being underweight, stress, hormone imbalance, infections, dietary issues etc. There are other causes like fibroids and malignancies.They are less likely but shouldn’t be ignored. Dr Google doesn’t have a license to practice and scares people. Try to stay calm x

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