Hi, I’m 16 years old and I have hEDS (Hypermobility Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) and lots of gastro problems Gastro Parises and Fore-gut dysmotility). Due to my gastro problems I have an NJ tube (a tube going into my bowel) but I vomited it out on Sunday, I then had an endoscopy to have a new one put down under general anaesthetic but I had a bad reaction. Prior to the procedure I was walking, going to the gym, mobilising normally (to an extent because of my EDS & POTS)but now following the procedure I’m having fit like tremors, have extreme muscle weakness and fatigue, so much so that I can barely move my fingers. My doctors are unsure of what is causing me to be like this. Do you have any ideas of what it could be?
Unexplaind symptoms after anaesthetic - Pain Concern
Unexplaind symptoms after anaesthetic

Just a guess, have your reserves of B12 been depleted by the anaesthetic? I know this will happen, and what with your other problems, there is every likelihood that you are B12 deficient. Check out the Pernicious anemia site within health unlocked.
You symptoms require investigation. You have to do the investigation.
april.org.uk/ is a starting point.
Are you getting enough sleep? Ie has brain collapse from over work caught up with you?
The brain only gets rid of certain waste products when you are asleep. All the monitoring you have to do may have overloaded certain circuits in the brain with waste products. They need to sleep to clear out the waste product.
Have you come into contact with the cat parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Google "Toxoplasma gondii".
You have caught an infection from the tube. THe bowel got damaged by the tube insertion causing bacteria to leak into the blood stream.
There is a whole range of possibilities. The Doctor has 10 minutes to make a guess. You live with the problem 24/7 so it is in your interests to spend time making a hypothesis and checking if the hypothesis is viable and taking that to the medic for his take on it.