It’s been 3 days now I can’t have a proper sleep at night due to severe pain on my right side rib going up and my back but as soon I wake up start moving the pain will reduce from 100 to 75 but I can’t twist my waist going to the right can anyone could help or come across this kinda pain
Right rib pain : It’s been 3 days now I can’t... - Pain Concern
Right rib pain
Have you mad an appointment with the GP ? Most likely it is muscular but always best to check. In the meantime Iboproften and gently stretching maybe.
There are many muscles in our rib cage. In between each rib is a series of muscles, and there are joints between each rib and the breastbone and the back bone. Lots of small bits to go wrong, which can result in big pain!
See what your doctor says, but as Dee suggests, it may well be muscular and will resolve on its own.
You would need to call a doctor if it’s that bad. It could be your muscles spasming in between the Rips could be a urine or kidney infection could be trapped wind .
I would say if the pain is bad go and get it checked out
Thanks guys I made an appointment for tomorrow I believe is my erector spinae but I’ll be find