Has anyone used cbd oil for puedendal nerve o... - Pain Concern

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Has anyone used cbd oil for puedendal nerve or back pain

Baileydog profile image
43 Replies


Am suffering with puedendal nerve and sacrum and coccyx pain and have been reading non stop about cbd oil. I bought some yesterday from a well known health shop here in uk but am afraid to try it. I am currently taking the usual cocktail of medicines for this condition. I was wondering if any one has had good results from this. I am also wondering what is the correct strength to buy.

Thank you,


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Baileydog profile image
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43 Replies
Bananas5 profile image

CBD is becoming more and more available to everyone as it doesn't contain the banned thc.

It is safe to take with your own meds but you will find you need them less and less.

I can guess which high st store you bought yours from and to be honest you are likely to have wasted your money. If is likely to be very mild in strength with none of the essential oils CBD has.

Try it and see. Most users by from a reputable supplier which uses excellent methods of extracting the CBD to get its maximum strength.

After years of research I buy from a supplier on mainland Spain. Very very good too.


in reply toBananas5

I agree to a point but after taking CBD for a while now I’ve found it’s not actually made a huge difference to me I thought it was at first but I’ve found myself actually on more painkillers than before and having to resort to other things.

However I have a high tolerance to things so maybe that’s the issue.

But I would suggest trying it out 100% do your research and see what’s best for you x

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to

Maybe you need stronger?

It does take a while to get into your system.


in reply toBananas5

I smoked it pretty much every few hours and a lot at night, I’ve got the strongest one you can get to vape. At the moment though I’ve fisnlly just got a good combination of painkillers and things that I’m not crying just going on crutches to the toilet so that’s good lol x

jpain profile image
jpain in reply to

Is it still the cbd mods one you are using? I've been trying that one the last week and not sure I've found it as good as other brands ive used (although difficult to tell with other factors involved) - do wonder if maybe the low price is too good to be true...plus they seemed a bit vague on dosage when I contacted them - they actually state the amount of hemp rather than cbd,and estimate that 10-25% of that is cbd which is quite a wide range and I'd prefer to know what I'm getting each time.

Also other juices I have tried had a bit of a taste (and sometimes smell) of cannabis, or at least a sort of earthy taste, whereas this one only tastes of the stated flavour. Maybe the other ones just have an artificial flavour added to give the impression of cannabis I don't know..?

tbf I got one of their lower strength and one of the higher and not tried the higher yet so of course that might be better.

It's definitely no miracle worker for me anyway but do think it helps a little bit and would carry on using it for now for the fact alone it helps me get to sleep (along with other routines I've established) which makes a difference.

The best brand I've used was actually one I bought in Spain called enecta ambrosia but it seems to be constantly unavailable or extortionate to buy online from the UK. It was only 200mg strength but seemed more effective than slightly stronger ones I've tried. It did stink of cannabis though (mostly artificial flavours I presume) so not ideal for vaping in public!

It does seem that a combination of thc and cbd work better for medicinal purposes than cbd alone so it's a shame that medicinal cannabis (which contains both) seems a long way off for most people

in reply tojpain

Yes it’s still then I get it from but I’m on the highest, mine do have bits of herb in them you can see it in the bottle and mine don’t really have much of a juice taste to them more earthy as you said.

Give the stronger one a go and see if that helps. I’ve just stopped taking it now and gone back to something else which can’t be discussed on here but it works wonders for me, I’m still only about to get out of bed to go to the toilet etc but it’s a start lol

I hope you find something that helps you soon x

jpain profile image
jpain in reply to

Cheers I'll give it a go.

Hope your pain management course helps - think i saw on another post you are doing one soon x

in reply tojpain

Well it will take quite a few months to sort it all out and will be dependent on if I can have someone look after my son non stop for three weeks but yeah hopefully it helps , what I’ve got isn’t cureable so it’s more just learning to find some sense of relief when and wherever I can.

Let me know how you get on with the stronger one. Also when your inhaling it hold it in for like 10 seconds before blowing it out it helps reach you quicker x

Lulububs profile image


Yes i do. I was told to try it by a friend who has a severe bad back and he knew i was goin to amsterdam and recommended me to go to a smart shop out there they sell just cbd no actual thc. It all medicinal.

I was dubious as i had tried a certain shop in high street and it was a waste of money.

So i went to a shop and spoke to the smart shop dr, i told him about my pelvic pain and he gave me a oil and it was 10% raw oille! I think he said it was 2500mg so quite strong it was £60 for 10ml he explained u have to put 3 drop under tongue half hour before u eat or drink , twice a day for 5 days then drop to once a day and never stop.. it take a while to get into system to fight the inflammation but i noticed within 6 days i was getting better...

I still use it , i was given a site to buy from the netherlands and it is cbdsense.com. It takes about 3-5 days to come. I wouldnt b without it. It hasnt healed my problem but it has lessened my pain.

Fyllida profile image

Hello, have been using the cbd oil now for over a month, but my back pain is now much worse, so it hasn't really done anything. Am now torn between a diagnostic injection into the sacro joint and then, possibly RF. i really don’t want this and would much prefer the natural route but my cbd supplier is refusing to increase the dose, saying it is too soon. I don’t see how it can be and must do something as the pain is now unbearable. So, do give it a try but be patient and aware that it may not work for everyone, best of luck.

in reply toFyllida

I would go and get it from someone else then , what exactly are you on, how many times a day and what strength xx

Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply to

From HU highly recommended supplier, who is marvellously caring. Have just grovellingly written to him regarding dosage adjustment and hoping he will offer a solution. Am on 10 x 3 times daily, which is not that low. I also use a salve (non THC) which I think helps a little, briefly.

My fingers are so 🤞🤞🤞 that he will have a suggestion. Will post his recommendation, thank you very much for your reply.

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply toFyllida

Your supplier won't increase your strength? Really? I must have a word with him

Are you sure it has been over a month since you started?

Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply toBananas5

Yes, am on second bottle now. This is now so horrible, Bananas.

Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply toBananas5

PS am on 10% x 3. Thank you so much, Bananas, for your support and caring.

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply toFyllida

10% is not very strong. I thought you started around 13th Feb? That is less than a month.

Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply toBananas5

You are right, just checked, but have finished the first month’s bottle sticking rigidly to the 3 a day rule. In any case, would say the pain has increased by 25% and some days more. If had remained on a plateau would have been more patient but surely not this much worse...

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply toFyllida

It could have more to do with what you are doing...or not doing.

Are you pacing yourself or doing as you always do?

I always say you have to meet chronic pain at least half way.

No amount of meds or CBD can provide that magic cure.

Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply toBananas5

Yes , I am. Have changed work schedule to mornings only and rest in the afternoons. 😬. In any case, my work is not physically arduous.....just the early mornings this time of year!

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply toFyllida

And things outside work? Shopping? Housework? Getting to work? All adds up

Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply toBananas5

Do realise that, and no longer go tearing about as would so love to still be able to do. Shopping, no problem as stuff gets delivered and age bus is a five minute walk away. Ditto the other end. No housework - able-bodied husband! I really am careful and also eat organically and healthily as have strong belief that a healthy body must aid healing. Only watch the calories ! Aaargh. And acupuncture. . So, apart from the three failed fusions kindly leaving me with scoliosis (pain contributor for sure) am mystified as to how much more can help myself. Enter the CBD, am still hopeful and not yer prepared to give up on it. But more advice is needed in view of the above and worsening pain. Equally, the last thing I want is to be our charming supplier’s problem child!

in reply toBananas5

Yes I agree it should be what you want to try And your well within your rights to have a higher dosage. It’s all about trail and error maybe even years it will take but it has helped so many people world wide there has to be some strength that will help you to x

Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply to

So right. Have written to my supplier who suggests an extra capsule morning and evening. He added that may be the drops are more beneficial as they can get into the system quicker, bypassing the stomach. He is not averse to me biting the capsules and slowly swallow under the tongue. He’s not too keen on this approach but must finish the remaining capsules...for budgetary reasons!

in reply toFyllida

I’ve read and re read and anyone correct me if I am wrong but you can’t overdose (obviously within reason like you can drink a bottle of oil a day lol) but if you feel you need more then take more, it’s not against the law and there isn’t only one seller out there so don’t feel pressured or feel like you can’t get a second opinion.

If this person your buying from is in the UK they aren’t legally allowed to advise you in doses etc for ANY type of pain relief or pain benefits or illnesses x

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to

Not in the UK bexammy


Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply to

Many thanks, Bexamy. Not in UK but didn’t know one couldnt overdose. Never been suggested. Are you quite certain cos CBD builds up in the system and does not have an instant effect.....so would be difficult to know how much is enough?

in reply toFyllida

I’ve read 4 different studies on it, I mean no one can ever be 100% sure but you definitely can’t overdose on cannabis and it says in the studies that you can’t in CBD either, they did say things like Poole can’t just drink all the oil or be popping huge amounts of the strongest capsules it would properly make you very sick but you wouldn’t die from it

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to

It can take a couple of minutes to a couple of hours after use for the effects of CBD to fully appear, depending on serving size and method of application, among other factors that affect the rate of absorption by the body. CBD, like all cannabinoids, can build up in the body and cause an increase in cannabinoid receptors, making the endocannabinoid system more active and more sensitive to stimulation by cannabinoids. This is one more reason to make sure you are supplementing your system with CBD daily.


Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply toBananas5

Have to ask you the same question in reply to our friend Bexamy, Bananas, before drop off again!!

Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply to

Thats really interesting, thank you. Another thing: believe it has some sedative properties but have taken (biting through capsules) 2 extra doses today, and have been in a dead sleep all afternoon. This has NEVER happened before as always have trouble sleeping and only manage a few short hours a night. So used to this am very rarely tired. But now feel pinned to the bed and my whole bod feels like lead with muzzy head! Should be pleasant but it isn’t. Cannot believe in any link, but its a hell of a coincidence!

in reply toFyllida

It’s meant to help relax your body , so when you have stronger/ more of it it should work better. It helped the first week I took it I smoked ALOT at nighttime before bed and slept for a good four hours but because my pain has got a lot worse it’s just not working.

I only know from my experience with smoking it I find that smoking at night just before bed and drinking this special nighttime tea I’ve got relaxes my body enough for my painkillers to work and calm the spasms a bit enough to sleep for a while.

I imagine if your in a lot of pain all the time that extra dose just pushed your body that bit further for the sleep that you really needed

I hope most of that makes sense lol x

Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply to

Bexamy, it sounds like you have so much to put up with, am so sorry.

Hesitating to take the last dose + 1 now as this fatigue is not the nice, relaxing kind.

Anyway, why should I complain when others suffer so much more. Your last para makes a lot of sense, of course. Thank you for all your reassurances and the time you take to write.

in reply toFyllida

You have no need to be sorry thank you so much though , we all have so much going on each in our own way.

Never say you shouldn’t complain that is exactly what this site is for please complain away. We are all in the same boat no matter what the problem and pain is pain . Everyone always has it worse than someone else unfortunately that’s life :(

That’s ok I’m here to help xx

Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply to

Well if you won’t take praise, let me just say you must be a very nice person!

in reply toFyllida

Thank you means a lot, I’ve never been good at taking praise lol. You are to I hope we all find a little peace and quite to our lives soon x

Fyllida profile image
Fyllida in reply to


Baileydog profile image
Baileydog in reply toBananas5


Thank you for your reply, I think maybe my purchase has been a bit of a wasted one. My dilemma now is I don’t know what strength I should be looking for. I realise now that 2.5 is way too low. Could you help me out in understanding this,



Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply toBaileydog

Treat your purchase as character building! Sounds better.

I will send you a pm shortly and hopefully get you the help you deserve


It worked 100% for me the first time i used it, then not as much the next times

oiseau222 profile image

Please consider using a CBD topical...salve, spray or cream. It doesn't work with everyone, just as the oil doesn't, but it has been a life-saver for me. I've tried several brands and have found one I like, and it is amazing...as good as a prescribed, compounded pain cream, without the chemicals. (I have nothing against chemicals, but because of kidney and liver problems, I can't take nsaids and other anti-inflammatories.) You apply the cbd to the areas that are painful...belly, temples, neck, wherever, and withing ten minutes they no longer hurt or hurt much less. Depending on the strength, you may need to apply it more regularly, but for me and several people I know, it is a blessing. I got my massage therapist hooked on it, and she incorporates it into her massages. Not only does it help her hands from aching, but her clients love and and have asked her to carry it.

I hope you feel betterl, whatever you use.

Baileydog profile image
Baileydog in reply tooiseau222

Thank you so much, it’s more complicated and in depth than I thought. I will niw read into the topical creams

I've been taking a 1:1 oil CBD and THC for pudendal nerve pain. While it doesn't seem to do much if the pain is really severe, it does seem to help relax and take the edge of when the pain is at a moderate level. And it does seem to help with sleep. I tried CBD on its own and didn't feel any results at all. According to my pain manager, it is often a matter of trial and error to get a dosage that helps. They have you start quite low

Continuing from above. They have you start at quite a low dosage and gradually increase until you reach a point where you start to feel an impact. The one thing I do not like about the THC is that it affects my memory. Nothing huge, but annoying and disconcerting at first. It has been suggested that taking extra CBD in conjunction with the 1:1 might help but I have not tried this yet.

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