Hey guys,
It's been a while since my last post.
I ended up in a&e on Sunday night with the worst pain I have ever experienced on my right side, front and back, and some pretty nasty vomiting. I knew something wasn't right so had to drag my hubby and little girl to the hospital.
CT scans showed kidney stones. Apparently my local hospital don't have a urology department (despite the fact I was treat there last year for my urethral stricture?!) So I was transferred to another nearby hospital to be admitted for treatment.
So, on Monday afternoon I went for a lithotripsy treatment. For those of you not familiar with this treatment, they basically pummel your Kidney, ureter as well as the stone. I feel like I've been repeatedly kicked in the back by someone wearing steel toe capped boots on one foot and ankle pickers on the other.
Tuesday was recovery day, Wednesday was supposed to be x ray day to see if the lithotripsy had worked or not and decide what to do next. Well, I was xrayed st 9am and then pretty much forgotten about until I was finally able to get face to face with the on call Dr at 7.30pm - having been nil by mouth for almost 20hrs at this point. The on call Dr was super apologetic, it was not his fault at all and really is a topic all of its own, anyway, I got the results on Thursday. The treatment hasn't worked and due to the level of pain I was in, the decided to fit a stent.
The stent has been in place for around 30hrs now and boy oh boy does it hurt?!
I've managed to cut back from peeing every 30mins or so to once an hour but I still feel like I've got like 5 litres in my bladder despite scans showing that it's definitely empty. The stent is causing renal reflux, which means every time I per, a little urine kicks back up to my kidney. Ouchies.
As if that wasn't enough, I feel like I'm having the heaviest menstrual cramps and bleeding known to man - I'm not, my period isn't even nearly due so I'm guessing maybe swelling!
This is my first night back at home, everything hurts, everyone else is asleep and I can't get can't get comfortable enough to sleep!
Those of you who have experienced this kind of pain before - how did you cope? What tricks do you Have?
How long was your recovery time and when were you able to go back to work?
The stent is due to be removed along with the stone in 4 weeks.
Thanks!! Xx