Fed Up..: Hi guys. Fed up of having anti... - Pain Concern

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Fed Up..

metalbones16 profile image
18 Replies

Hi guys.

Fed up of having anti-depressants shoved in my face after sitting in with the docs/ counsellors, explaining that they are doing nothing, zilch, jack....

I've gone from Seroxat, Fluoxetine, Mertazipine and now duoxetine.

What next? Ovaltine...

I see a counsellor. The plus is she has taken a new approach towards finding out what's wrong. Poss mood disorder, Bipolar 1 or 2, Cyclothymia... I hope it's not the last one as I can't say it :)

Seriously tho. I can't keep arguing anymore. I'm all tired out trying to explain to these people i need something that will stabilise me.

I know about the tests and how long they can take, I appreciate that, but to be told to take a pill that isn't happening....Is that like taking cucumber slices to cure measles???

Has anyone been through similar?


Have A Great Christmas

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metalbones16 profile image
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18 Replies
Janieliza profile image

Yes pretty much I have. I was given many anti deps before I settled for one that 'worked'. Their idea of working and mine seemed quite different. I hate to say it's trial and error but that's how it is sometimes. I know what it's like to be referred here and referred there and either they say the same or you can't understand why they are telling you something you already know and get to a point where you just want to go AARRGGGHHH!. They can't stabilise you tho until they know exactly what's going on... i know it's frustrating and honestly....i wish I could tell you something different. Maybe someone else can...i can only go on my own experiences and I've had my fair few. But I'm pleased it's being looked into for you...you deserve that. I'm sorry I can't help more. Take care. J

MalcolmCClark profile image

Hi there yes it sounds like my experience. The worse thing is when you take yourself off meds because they do nothing or the side effects are worse or they conflict with other physical problems like AF with my heart and then they say well you can't be too bad if you don't need meds. That hurts the most. I have emotionally unstable personality disorder. It took years of nagging the mental health service to finally get a diagnosis.

Yes I do know how you feel. My suggestion if you are getting nowhere especially with a possible mental condition is to use an advocacy service. I am ex RAF so I was able to enlist the help of the RAF Benevolent Fund Advocacy service. They were brilliant and certainly got the attention of my local Mental Health Service in Medway Kent. If you are not ex forces ask your GP or local health service for any advocacy service that may be available to you. It certainly helped me get things moving. I am still struggling but at least I now know there are people who can help.

Good luck

Enjoy your Christmas and I wish a happier New Year for you and your close family.

metalbones16 profile image
metalbones16 in reply to MalcolmCClark

Thank you so much for taking time to reply. Thats a great idea of using an advocacy.

A Very happy new year

BadHare profile image

I'm very anti-antidepressants, though I have found consuming probiotics, dealing with deficient thyroid hormones & "divorcing" both branches of my family beneficial to my wellbeing.

Take a look at these websites to see if there's anything helpful:


davidhealy.org/surrender/ Surrendered doctor

Accept that when it comes to the side effects of treatment the patient (or the in-laws) are likely to know best.

Accept that my job would be more interesting if I learned to co-ordinate the research efforts of my patients rather than continued to dictate to them.

Accept that patients continue to come to me not because I am good at my job but because society has made it impossible to get medicines except through people like me.

Accept that my actions are dictated by ghostwritten articles and inaccessible data mediated through guidelines that I haven’t the guts to stand up to.

Recognize that far from being founts of wisdom and compassion my colleagues and I can get incredibly nasty if questioned. I am an obstacle to work around more often than a source of support.

Medically Unexplained Symptoms point to limitations in current medical knowledge or perhaps my medical knowledge. The term is not a euphemism for hysteria.


Lots of negative information regarding the inefficacies of anti-depressant prescription on David Healey's website. All interesting reading, & of course, unread by "medics" ~ do no harm, my a**e!

micox profile image

I was lucky that I found the one that works for me straight away: Citalopram. But I later took Duloxetine for nerve pain and it was a rabid nightmare to come off. Took 4/5 months of gradual reduction feeling very unwell and with unceasing 'brain flashes.' Have a look at the American Drugs Agency website - it's all but barred there.

waylay profile image
waylay in reply to micox

Venlafaxine is like that. When I want to come off it (I'm on the max dose - 375mg) it's going to take 9 months!

waylay profile image
waylay in reply to micox

Ah, they're both SNRIs...

saj01 profile image

Hi...I can't tell by your handle whether you are male /female, young or an older person. I'm a more mature female... but yes been there too. After months of going to my GP for various 'unrelated problems',so I thought at the time. After a while, I realised I was depressed and not firing on all cylinders. so next came the series of ssri's etc exactly like yours, which just weren't right for me... so I came off of them, hoping to beat it on my own...bad move!

I ended up in hospital for 2 months where I was given a tricyclic which once I got to a proper dose seemed to help with the low mood and brain fog. Like you I saw a counsellor, had mental health visitors ... that didn't do much.... because they can't really identify with the problem, unless they've been there; and are we as patients, really open and honest with them anyway.. I can only speak about 'my kind of depression'... so that may not help you if you have a different disorder. Maybe that's what your counsellor is trying to find out. Have you had a proper psychiatric assessment ?

Without wishing to pry, what was your support network like pre-depression... i.e. friends, family, work, skills, achievements, general health,( esp hormone/thyroid levels), sleep,interests/ hobbies, diet...attitude +/- compared to now. All of those things play a very important part in our mental health... a bit like building a house of cards... when you take too many of them out, it falls down.

The meds can help, but often they just mask the symptoms whilst the depression slowly lifts... it takes a long time ... I liken it to climbing stairs with lots of landings. When I was ill, I didn't like me, I was useless, everything was negative.... then I realised the only person who could change things was me.

It's a rotten time of year when you're low... the days are short, the weather's crap...'tis the season to be jolly... ho, ho, bloody ho!

Look on the bright side... the days will start getting longer, then it will be spring... smile, that's an order!

Seriously though. If you feel the need to talk.... we are here.x

MalcolmCClark profile image
MalcolmCClark in reply to saj01

Hi I am an older male at 57. I have many physical problems as well as my mental issues. The two main issues with my local mental health service are lack of funds. The second is as pointed out lack of understanding. Let's face it unless you have personal experience of a mental health condition you can not understand the impact that condition has on your life. I am lucky in that I go to a local support group called MEGAN which is a charity but is run by people who are also sufferers. I go to the personality disorder group where the facilitators also have PD. Talking to people who can identify with you and talk about the ups and downs and even suggest ideas to help you is a huge help to me. However my local mental health service in Medway send patients to MEGAN and treat it as a form of treatment so abusing the service and will use it against you if you don't use the facility. MEGAN are not happy with this as it is not an extension of the mental health service. I'm sorry I have gone off track.

I strongly advise that if you have a similar support group in your area please use it but do not be bullied into using it by anyone. It has to be your choice.

Going back to my original point.

So called experts who hold bits of paper that say they know all about mental health does not mean they do know. Question their expertise and take control of your own treatment. If a drug helps then great. If talking therapy helps that's great but do not get yourself pushed into treatment that is not helping.

So far the only things that have got me through are my partner and the support group at MEGAN. I have huge down days where I need a quiet place and I am greatful for an understanding partner. Drugs and talking therapy have all made my condition worse. I may be paranoid but I feel that the local mental health team are avoiding me because they have nothing to offer me. They don't know what to do because they can not throw a pill at the problem.

Is anyone else in a similar situation where drugs and talking therapies are not helping and you are left to deal with your mental problems on your own.

I should add that giving you a list of phone numbers is not a solution. If I want to do something bad to myself. Believe me the last thing I will think about is Oh I must call that number for help!!!! It will never happen

waylay profile image
waylay in reply to MalcolmCClark

OMG! A PD service with actual people with PD's working there? Where are you? *Starts packing*

micox profile image
micox in reply to saj01

I am a retired 'psychiatic assessor.'

9494 profile image

Dear fellow suffer, for many years I suffered horrendously with depression , and was admitted on several occasions to hospital, I was give many pills and spoke to many physiatrist. But never did I reveal the true reason which ruled my mind .. I struggled to bring up three boys alone whilst still on medications . Till after approximately 12 years . I decided to stop the pills and accept that the past was just that ..slowly I started to recover, I am now 70 years of age and yes I do recall some awful memories occasionally . But I look at where I am now , still single but strong , through my past I am able to understand another’s angst, and give them comfort.. if you have something that haunts you and have never revealed it perhaps that’s the way to go . Whatever do not give up on yourself, I wish you peace of mind in the forth coming new year 2018..

Stace1987 profile image

Hi, after I lost my son at only 6 years old, anti depressants did slightly help me, they helped me manage life a little bit better, but only after a month or so of taking them, personally they weren’t a solution for me & im now not on anything either, but watching other people who I know take them I can see the difference in them, sometimes we don’t see the difference but others do, it may be trial & error for you, it’s though to keep at it but I really hope you get one that works ❤️

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Stace1987

Sorry for your loss Stace ♡


Did you ever ask any Doctor for Thyroid Function blood tests and Thyroid Antibodies TPO and Tg?

I late replied (2 months ago) to one of your old posts.

As you have symptoms of Underactive Thyroid - worth asking?


Enzo777 profile image

Hello everyone. About 13 years ago I noticed that I wasn't feeling like myself anymore. My mind felt like it wasn't working properly, it was hard to focus or concentrate. I felt as if someone had dropped a very heavy wet blanket on me and I could not get it off. I would be sad for no reason and I just did not like myself anymore. Perhaps I just have the blues or Im just in a temporary funk. After 3 or 4 months I did not get any better so I went to my family doctor. He wanted to rule out any physical problems (thyroid, diabetes, hormone levels B12, protien, calcium deficiencies, HIV, hep C etc). He ran complete blood & urine panels chest xray, EKG and a CAT scan of my head. Evetything was normal, except myself. Next he wanted to have my mental health checked so he referred me to a Psychiatrist. The first visit the Dr asked how I was really feeling and to tell him about myself, my family, my job and my life in general. We spoke for 2 hours. He asked me to come back the next week for 2 more visits. The second visit he asked me many, many questions, had me complete a 10 page questionnaire and lastly to complete some tests, puzzles and more questions on a computer. Three hours later I was finally finished. He scheduled my last appointment the following Friday. He told me that all my tests, questions etc would be evaluated and he wanted to talk to my family Doctor and get a copy of all the results of the tests, scans etc that he had done. So on the last appointment I went into his office. He told me that he had spoken to my family Doctor and got a copy of all of his findings. Then he and a colleague reviewed everything. Well, come to find out I had ADD (attention deficit disorder). What a shock. He prescribed Adderal and it was a God send. It took 6 weeks but I finally found out what was wrong. I now have been on Adderal for over 11 years. It did take 2 two times to get the correct dosage. I could concentrate, the wet blanket lifted and I liked myself again. I noticed that I laughed and smiled a lot. My husband said it was such a positive change. A year latet my battle with pain began, and as we know, it usually gets a little worse with the passing of time. I did get depressed for a little while and I still hate all this pain but I believe that is normal. Luckily I have a fantastic, sympathetic & compassionate pain Doctor. I am on several strong pain medications but I can function most days. It took several attempts to find the pain meds that work the best for me. I also get Lidocaine infusions and other injections. It takes so much time to get a correct diagnosis, unfortunately some never find out. The same goes with meds. I pray that we all will always be treated with the respect & dignity we all deserve and that we all can find something to help us function and most of all for our pain to ease up every day. Sorry for the long post but I was feeling a bit blue because today was a hard day & now I feel much better

Thank you for taking away my blues.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Enzo777

Thank you for sharing this Enzo777

God Bless xXx

waylay profile image

Antidepressants take between 3 and 6 weeks to kick in, so don't take yourself off them too soon! Also, there are so many different types of antiDs that you can't just say that none of them work without trying 'em.

I have treatment-resistant major depression/generalized anxiety, and I've been on 14 different meds over the past 25 years. Many of them worked for a year or so, then the effects seemed to tail off. Often raising the dose seems to make them work again, but eventually I have to switch. I'm currently on Venlafaxine XR 375mg and Lamothe 150mg, as well as all my pain meds. Definitely helping.

My thoughts about pills are that they pick you up enough that you can do things that will help. Whether that's going to therapy, changing careers, leaving a relationship, or just changing some beliefs about yourself, that may be enough. Unfortunately my childhood was extremely dysfunctional, and the rest of my life has followed suit, so therapy is taking a while, but I'm getting there! Still, some people just have to stay on antiDs, and I may be one of those. *shrug*

Hope you feel better!

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