Any not bout tribunal how what happened - Pain Concern

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Any not bout tribunal how what happened

Tomthumb03 profile image
34 Replies

Hi everyone bit shy new here in bit desperate way place struggle fibromyalgia sever migraine depression anxiety not goin out lot lie bed round house on own most times cry hurting so much goin on risk lose house debt esa stop going thru appeal and today letter back say tribunal in January please can anyone help give advice on how to deal this what happens not with it very well moment stress so much rock bottom it all no support anyone can scared bout all this what need do what happens as not clue on any it please help x

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Tomthumb03 profile image
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34 Replies

Hello Tomthumb

Sorry to hear of all your pain and suffering and everything you are going through at the moment.

There is a Fibromyalgia Benefits helpline. It's not Freephone, it's normal rates. I think it is open 10 till 12 on Friday mornings. If you phone before then and leave your number on the answermachine, I think they call you back. I will look it up and put it on here.

Also there is a Fibromyalgia community forum on this site you can join as well as this one. So, if you wish, you could put this post on there as well.

Are you taking any medications for your pain or conditions?

Have you got a severe migraine now?

The Fibromyalgia Benefits Helpline is closed now until 10am Monday 8 January (according to their website)

Number 0300 999 0055

You could try phoning the Fibromyalgia Association National Helpline tomorrow. That close at 4pm on Friday 22 Dec and opens Wednesday 3 January.

Number 0300 999 333

How are you feeling now?

Tomthumb03 profile image
Tomthumb03 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Hi hun ye get lot headache migraine neurology doc put on proposal aswell all my pregablin tramadol ibuprofen vitamins magnesium amitriptaline sleep pill on all it still suffering got app George elliot pain clinic son coming up Jan disability pole health assessment place think coz fill form in myself post if for my pip reassessment thing do an got tribunal hearing were stop my esa say capacity to go bak work ass five way me woman did not it of from word go cum out there an in place tears got so much struggle lone myself with stress so much worry what shud expect from it tribunal now all rest going on rong bottom fella failure to my children grandkids everyone used run bout look after x advice place idea Wat go b as not clue bout any this mixed up memory not great of late x

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Tomthumb03

Hi again Tom

When did you last see your GP?

Could you call them out tomorrow or go and ask to see them?

Have you phoned MIND or anyone today to ask for help?

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Tomthumb03



Please phone the doctor now or 999. It sounds to me like you need to see a doctor.

I looked up Popofol. I think you need urgent medical help.

I think it's the new drug - the Propofol - that is causing this confusion.

How long have you been taking it for?

Could you phone one of your kids and tell them you are ill?

Tomthumb03 profile image
Tomthumb03 in reply to Mary-intussuception

I not bin takin propranol stop it I takin pregablin tramadol ibuprofen amitriptaline circadian sleeper wen need try not take amitriptaline sleeper if can leave it I struggle ten yrs no help now ova time knee awful pains bak hip wrist arms spam legs hit sweat nite migraine all it anxiety on top depress try get see mentally health GP merry go round Jan so many appointments pain clinics health assessment then tribunal need get lift them help yet as on own altime. E get harder harder all pressure on me eviction hang ova me rent area o all go on relationship break down not good so much had nuf but got try keep going g as say x

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Tomthumb03

Maybe someone from MIND can help you.

Did you get any help to try to stop the eviction?

Tomthumb03 profile image
Tomthumb03 in reply to Mary-intussuception

See cab but weeks since not bin out house in on own pain feel ill migraine bak went not bin haven lot luck lol

Tomthumb03 profile image
Tomthumb03 in reply to Tomthumb03

Hi Mary thanks advice hun I dread it today got go George elliot pain clinic any advice what Dr subrarmo is like team not clue how we're goin what do when go there two today xx

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Tomthumb03


I only just read this.

I just replied below because I only just got notification that you 'liked'.

I did not get ANY notification of THIS reply from you from 4 days ago. Sorry.

So how did it go at the George Elliott pain clinic?

Will Dr Subrarmo and his team be helping you?

Were you given some new medication? I ask because you sound more confused now than you were 4 days ago.

Hope you are feeling better today. xx🐥

Tomthumb03 profile image
Tomthumb03 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Hi Mary no med acupuncture physio back rhemotoligist he said wait appointment 's to arrive start it I feel unwell flu bug makes all body feel worse than do in general brain fog mix up to worry bout tribunal on 23jan how got b prepared it dread it an got try get someone take me support me x think try get bit written down on paper Wat it b like alway make feel like lier I get quite agitated anxious ramble on don't like been judge feel uncomfortable it all not sleeping well up down thru night four am frosted outside I looking out window hope all OK today xx

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Tomthumb03

I'm OK thanks.

Ask someone from MIND or Tamworth Changes to take you to tribunal.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Tomthumb03

Hi Tom. It is good to hear from you.

Now you have flu bug on top of everything else. Are you able to keep warm and eat well. I had flu just before Christmas, better now.

I know what you mean about the way they make you feel, forms, ESA, tribunals - very intimidating. All too much. Very stressful.

There is no shame in being ill.

It is the system that is an outrageous disgrace - for the way it treats people.

You are unwell - you haven't done anything wrong.

You have been through a lot.

Just hang on in there and keep in touch.

Can you see a GP on Monday morning or the practice manager? Ask if they can contact someone who can help? Are they any good in your GP practice?

Did you phone Tamworth Changes?


Hello again. You might want to try contacting Turn2Us tomorrow.


0808 802 2000 9am - 8pm Monday to Friday

Tomthumb03 profile image
Tomthumb03 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Hello there thank you just lock up home goin crazy on own bed most times down stress crying lost min trapped way it get at me now got go Birmingham tribunal dread it all Wat do do how this work happens now anxiety through roof feel sik pain so much drain not get dress noth on own screaming it all find all mess hurtn feel hopeless let kids down everyone don't understand think OK lose it all breaks heart at same time. E feeling like a am pain flare up fi round draine me xx

waylay profile image
waylay in reply to Tomthumb03

Also, I don't know if you know this, but the Tribunals are not part of the DWP. They're an independent body, and they're pretty pissed at the DWP. 68% of PIP appeals were decided for the claimant in the last quarter....

Tomthumb03 profile image
Tomthumb03 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Turn to us heard that thank you can they help xx thank u all you had more chat feel better just chat on here hear other all in similar situations x thank guys xxx

So, Tom, you live in Birmingham?

Birmingham MIND has a Well Being Hub at Beechcroft Centre, 501 Slade Road, Erdington, Birmingham, B23 7JG.

Phone 0121 262 3555

9am to 5pm Mon to Fri & 10 to 2pm Sat

Could you phone them today? Ask for some help/support ?

Tomthumb03 profile image
Tomthumb03 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Not sure jus outside Tamworth I heard these place but neva had help xx I try call think

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Tomthumb03

Please try and get some help.

Do you really want to take the Propofol? Have you had more worse problems since you started to take it?

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Tomthumb03

Have you ever been in touch with Tamworth MIND?

They have Well Being meetings and One to One support. Also a Social on Friday afternoons.

It's at 6 Lady Bank, Tamworth. Is that anywhere near you?

I'm going to bed now. Will see how you are sometime tomorrow.

Goodnight and God Bless xx

Tracie4 profile image

I have been diagnosed with migraines and fibromyalgia as well as depression myself. Its quite a battle to feel better, but you can do it if you set your mind to it. Personally, I'm trying to change my diet and get off of as many prescription meds as possible. Stretching my body with chair yoga and tai chi 2 x week really helps. It's quite a journey, but 1 worth taking. Best of Luck to ya

Tomthumb03 profile image
Tomthumb03 in reply to Tracie4

Thank hun u rite ye try to weeks pressure get to much stress life pile on don't help lose hair lot bold one side I be intrestd anything try find hard speak acknowledging it all now out aloud to people due to there ridicule me names stigma hurts me as u b there everyone doing it help them all even stranger help now just think moaning noth up u x

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Tomthumb03

Don't worry about other people ridiculing. That has happened to me. They are not worth worrying about.

You have lots of things going on at the moment.

When this happens to me I try to make a list of things. And try not to worry. We can only do one thing at a time.

Jo1964 profile image

Hi the best advise I can give you is to visit your local Citizen Advise they helped me a lot with sorting out my debt which my husband left me when we parted they are full of very good advise they also helped me sort my ESA although I am now disputing it and it looks like I will have to go to a tribunal but I will seek their advise before or if that happens I hope this helps you x

Tomthumb03 profile image
Tomthumb03 in reply to Jo1964

Thanks guy appreciate chat advice rip off u all bit low hidden down get by mess in no help support get anywhere sort thing imbarress find hard accepting it all happen me try carry on seems something else go wrong stress drain fibro memory mess mo I do look get tired altime suppose be figtn all 7kids dad family carnt haven't for longtime wen do end up laid up flare up live in bed most times I duno feel rock bottom all this tribunal rest appointments doctor everyone no help carnt get to them all add stress on top it all

Tomthumb03 profile image
Tomthumb03 in reply to Tomthumb03

Thanks chat talk appreciate it like got more here than av ten yrs struggle it issues xxx thank u all u

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Tomthumb03

Hi Tom

How are you feeling today?

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Tomthumb03

It IS hard accepting all these things that happen to us.

We just carry on and then we get exhausted and something else comes along - and it's all too much.

Sometimes I think we need to get some rest.

Then take things one at a time.

Making a list and putting the most urgent " things to do" at the top.

I'm not sure what is happening with the eviction? Is it really happening or has it been mentioned as something that might happen?

I will look up Tamworth MIND phone number and put in another reply.

Take care Tom.

Please keep in touch.


Tamworth Changes

is Support organisation run by MIND tel:

01827 311006


Hope you manage to have a

Peaceful Christmas Tom

Lots of Love

Mary xXx


waylay profile image

I've gone through 5 of my own tribunals. Happy to help. What's going on?

Tomthumb03 profile image
Tomthumb03 in reply to waylay

I'd really appreciate it thanks struggle my memory terribly mess up mixed up carnt see express Wat meant comes out rong x

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Tomthumb03

Hi Tom

It's good to hear from you. Don't be concerned about not being able to express yourself. I too, have had struggles. Doesn't matter if it comes out wrong - as long as you keep in touch.

Are you still at home.

Are you OK.

Did you get any help from Tamworth MIND or anyone.

Keep in touch.

God Bless

Love Mary x

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