The following has been sent to me and for the moment I am finding out more about the product.
Apparently it can be dispatched to the UK witch I am questioning as anything contain more than a trace of thc is illegal.
However the CBD salve WITHOUT thc may be a useful addition in helping the conditions mentioned
We have a topical salve it is applied directly to the skin and is providing a remarkable and effective remedy to people who are using it for all sorts of medical reasons. Chronic pain and skin conditions, especially arthritis, nerve pain and psoriasis are extremely responsive to this remedy . It works by providing a totally natural analgesic and anti inflammatory process through the skin.
We have a natural cannabis THC salve. Though it contains THC it isn't absorbed into the bloodstream so it will not produce a psychoactive effect and won't interfere with other medication. We are currently treating many people with this salve and it is proving to be extremely effective at treating condition's that pharmaceutical medications are unable to achieve without the unwanted and sometimes harmful side effects.
We also supply a new CBD salve which treats the same conditions but without the THC.