pain control : Hello ...Im in permanent pain... - Pain Concern

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pain control

Joe19 profile image
20 Replies

Hello ...Im in permanent pain back, neck , shoulders . But recently my right knee really hurts shooting pain and feels like im going to fall over as it gives way . Also getting muscle pain in right thigh . Anyone else experiencing this if so how do you cope ..medication etc. I feel so frustrated and sad 😣

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Joe19 profile image
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20 Replies
Barbara-41 profile image

You're not alone with pain or lack of control of pain. I have a long list of diagnoses and bad reactions to many meds. I can't stand or walk for more than a few minutes so I can't shop or cook a meal. Prednisone reduces pain most for me but causes weight gain which increases muscle and joint pain. Opioids dull pain but not enough for me to be able to move more. Physical therapy, even with very gentle, low repetition movement, means more pain and decreased ability to to do anything between my in-home sessions. I wish you more success than I've had in finding help and hope someone will reply with something I haven't tried.

Jluke profile image
Jluke in reply to Barbara-41

Hi , Prednisone works better than opiods for you. May I ask where is your pain and what kind of injury caused this (damaged nerves, muscles, etc)? Thanks.

Barbara-41 profile image
Barbara-41 in reply to Jluke

I have extremely high inflammation levels at times ESR over110, CRP-hs over 25 and many diagnoses. To name a few— Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hypermobility and likely classic), Sjogren's, inflammatory polyarthropathy and myopathy, , many spine problems (scoliosis, anterolisthesis, spondolisthesis, bilateral neurofemorinal stenosis, facet joint myopathy, degenerative disk and facet joint disease, extensive degenerative changes of cervical and thoracic spine, & cystic spinal lesions).

crpsSucks profile image

Have you spoke to your doctor about Gabapentin? I use it for nerve pain. I normally used for epilepsy, but it does have the effect of lowering strong pain signals going through your nervous system. On boarding isn't fun (I felt dizzy for a week), but it can be effective. I had quite a bad flare-up last night, and I'm quite sure if it wasn't for the Gabapentin I wouldn't be able to get home and have to get an ambulance.

Barbara: It really depends on the dosage, doctors are very reluctant to prescribe Opioids. I do understand their reasoning, however under-prescribing (poor quality of live, depression/ suicide) can be more serious than over-prescribing (addiction). I'm currently on 50ug patches of Fentanyl (works out over 120mg of Morphine per day). It may seem a lot, but that is how much I need to be able to sleep, and do [most] things without fear of how much I'll be in.

Joe19 profile image
Joe19 in reply to crpsSucks

I tried Gabapentine and unfortunately made me vomit really bad . Not sure I want to try it again but will discuss with my doc . Thanks for your advise hope you feel better .

Barbara-41 profile image
Barbara-41 in reply to crpsSucks

I have had gabapentin and couldn't tolerate it. I'm on 12mg a day of hydromorphone (48 MME) I do believe I am undertreated for pain due to the current "epidemic" hysteria. Few chronic pain patients enjoy anything except some dulling of pain from use. Development of tolerance and need to wean applies to many medications and is not addiction. There are many causes of preventable deaths that could be worked on that don't involve causing suffering for millions of people.

Mina786 profile image

Did the GP give you nortriptyline.

deejames profile image

Pain in your upper body often impacts on legs. If you are hurting in one place it can lead to poor posture and sitting and walking styles. Which of course leads to strain in legs , knees etc.

What is the diagnosis for your original pain ?


Joe19 profile image
Joe19 in reply to deejames

degenerative disc in my back

jointpain profile image

Try giving up absolutely ALL gluten, and milk, and milk products, take a course of antibiotics, and within two weeks the pain will be gone.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to jointpain

Not sure I understand how you can say pain will be gone Jointpain?? What would the antibiotics be for? They can't be obtained over-the-counter anyway. Is that a typo for anti-inflammatories?


Neldine profile image
Neldine in reply to jointpain

Oh please jointpain!

deejames profile image

Jointpain I am really puzzled by your reply to Joe. Why would he take antibiotics for degenerated discs ? And all gluten and dairy when you don't know if he has intolerance to those ?


Hi Joe. The recent right knee problem. This is new, so see GP he/she should refer you for an MRI scan to eliminate a Meniscus tear. Where I am that requires an Orthopaedics referal.

There may be a waiting list of several months for the surgery if they recommend - and you choose - to go ahead with it. So start things moving asap. You could ask GP to add to referal other pain as well, but stress this is new problem.

There is another poster on here who has just gone back to work since having the op but still having physio. You could look out for her and read her previous posts. I think she's LD78 or something like that.

About other pain. What pain meds are you on now? Ever been refered to a Physiotherapist?


Reply page 2!

Hi again Joe.

She is LDS78 and posted yesterday. Same as you. I've only just read it though.

She went back to work 2&half weeks ago after 2&half months off.

I'm not having the op just now. I have the Meniscus tear in the left knee - but also have Arthritis in both knee caps. I think Orthopaedics are happy to go ahead if I want it but they say they can't guarantee I won't still have problems because of the Arthritis. The knees give me peace for a while and I think I'm "normal ", then they'll 'go' on me. One or other gives way. It's when both go consecutively that I hope to not injure further! So the trick is be prepared to not fall! I don't like using a walking stick permanently just in case I might fall. Not so long back I had to.

Hope you find out how best to manage your pain soon.

Joe19 profile image
Joe19 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Hi Mary ..Thankyou for your reply .I have just put it down to arthritis and kind of thought I would just have to put up with it . Reading your post has made me think I should get it investigated further . thanks again

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Joe19

Yes Joe, mine was being put down to arthritis. Strangely enough it was the Right knee that was initially investigated. Saw Orthopaedics Consultant in January and had call for MRI scan within a week! Then appointment for results end March. Shortly before that, both knees 'went' one after the other near the top of the stairs. As I came down on left knee it was more painful than right. So Ortho arranged Left knee MRI which showed the tear. My pain isn't as frequent as LDS78 and as they said they can't guarantee I'd be pain free after op and it might make arthritis worse (although can't see how) I think I'll defer a decision on op. Wouldn't want it in winter anyway.

Hope you get the referal and the MRI - then at least you'll know what you have / haven't got. They told me best exercise is swimming and as it happens I have just started back swimming, just two lengths at moment.


etheral profile image

Lyrica has helped me with chronic nerve pain. Gabepentin was ineffective and opioids caused more problems than they were worth. Lyrica blocks periferal nerve impulses at the spinal cord so it is also helpful with my chronic knee problems.

sandylo profile image

My knee used to give way on me for about three years touch wood it's not happened for over a year now however I have extremely bad arthritis in my knews hips shoulder and neck I haven't slept properly for ten years now but GP just gives me cocodemols highest strength which are very little help I'm also taking letrozole for breast cancer which adds even more to the joint pains I've just accepted I have toI've with the agony now

sandylo profile image

I had muscle pain in my left thigh a few weeks ago the doctor said it was muscle wastage as I have been inactive for three months due to flu and continuous colds he have me exercises to do which has got rid of it. Main one sit on a chair lift your leg up stay for 10 secs then lower it slowly. Do this 10 times each leg I was doing it about four times a day and it's gone now. But I am continuing when I sit as I don't getUchida exercise at the moment

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