Swollen lower legs, chest pressure, unable to... - Pain Concern

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Swollen lower legs, chest pressure, unable to stand straight

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8 Replies


I'm sure not all the issues I would like advice on are necessarily linked but I might we well get them all out.

Since the age of around 15 Ive never been able to stand up straight, was told after a MRI it was ankoloysing spondylitis only to be told 2 years later its not and have never had any help but morphine for the huge amounts of pain it causes me, I'm almost 40 and walk like an 80 year old the way I'm. Bent over, I also use crutches and a wheelchair.,i can't really turn my neck and it hurts like hell if I over move by just an inch or 2)

Just recently I've been having some other issues, the 3 pain ones are

A rash on my left ankle and foot (photos)

Mild to moderate swelling mainly on the left ankle but on both.

A pressure in my chest when I can manage a very short walk (mainly around the home) up stairs or whenever I'm stressed, it's not always a pain as such more like someone has thier hand inside my chest and is squeezing/crushing (had my gallbladder removed last year and the pain of that doesn't feel that diffrent in my chest)

Horrendous, blinding migraines (for around a year or so)

My GP treats me like a hypedchondriact and will just throw more drugs at me ,so I'm Hoping for a sain voice or 2

Thank you

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8 Replies
Bananas5 profile image

We can't make a diagnosis just use our own experiences.

Could you have some sort of heart condition? Your legs could be swollen with water/fluid retention which is often an indication your heart isn't pumping as it should be. Pains in chest too.

My husband has ankylosing spondylitis and his has shredded the mylin sheath and caused 6 discs to disintegrate.

I would speak with your GP and ask about tests for your heart...even to rule that out


Shutter_up profile image
Shutter_up in reply to Bananas5

Would my GP be able to do the EGC at the surgery? Or would he send me to A&E? I GENUINELY don't want to spend 24 hours sat in a corridor tbh

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Shutter_up

I don't know what tests he would do or ask for.

If he thought it was extremely urgent then you could go by ambulance. Patients arriving at A&E by thiss method are seen first.

Alternatively he may give you medication and refer you to a specialist


Shutter_up profile image
Shutter_up in reply to Bananas5

I did have a blood pressure check last week and it was normal and my pulse was fine, I assume these are signs I don't have an heart issue?

As a history I did used to be morbidity Obse at over 40 stone, I'm down to about 18 stone now (6ft 5") so could do with losing more but with my mobily issues I'm genuinely struggling but could that history cause long term issues (was that weight for a few years)

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Shutter_up

That weight wouldn't have helped your joints or back.

If you have pains in your chest then these must be checked. Heart is the obvious.

I am sorry I can't advise any further. If the pains in your chest are really bad then call an.ambulance. Otherwise you have to tell your GP soonest


johnsmith profile image

Not surprised GP treats you like a hypochondriac. Many on this forum can relate to that. I have hypochondriac in my medical notes. It is very easy for a GP to label someone a hypochondriac to cover up their ignorance and the ignorance of fellow professionals.

Needed background information

There is something called a stress breakdown point. When the stress is just below the stress breakdown point everything functions albeit badly. Just above the stress breakdown point the slightest increase in stress will cause things to fall apart in totally unpredictable ways.

Your foot is probably a minor issue for someone who has no chronic problems. For you with your chronic problem it is an increased stress pushing your stress beyond your stress breakdown point. So you are on the verge of falling apart. Many on this forum know this problem. So you are not alone. You do not have a hypochondriac mental health problem. You are just someone whose stress is very close to their stress breakdown point.

Sitting at my computer I am having to make a guess at your issue which may be totally wrong. Only investigation will determine whether I am right or wrong.

Your muscles are very tight and have been for a long time.


Morphine can cause muscle contraction. Because morphine is a pain killer you will not notice the muscle contraction.


Refers to muscle stiffness and Changes in heartbeat (either rapid, irregular, or slowed).

You have fallen into Pain killer trap. Pain killer used to mask pain. Pain killer has side effects. More pain killer given to mask pain.


will give you information that you need in regard to reducing drugs you are taking and the potential affects drugs have been having on you.

Okay I have said what I said which may have some rightness or I may be totally wrong. You must investigate the truth or falsehood of what I say.

The next step is to network and find recommended complementary therapists in your area. A complementary therapist is only as good as the sensitivity of their hands.

An Alexander Teacher can help with posture and muscle movement problems. This may take a long time. You have 25 years of bad muscle habits to learn to undo.

You probably have variations of Fibromyalgia type symptoms. A complementary therapist would treat this by stretching muscle. Followed up by exercises to do to keep the stretching going.

Muscles have nerves which tell them to contract. Muscles have no nerves to tell them to uncontract. Muscles are uncontracted by other muscles. Over contracted muscles are very painful and are painful to move. When I broke my wrist it took me a few months to get rid of the muscle pain. Me I had the problem for six months at most as a result of a broken wrist. You have had this for 25 years. You will take longer to resolve some of the issues with the help of therapists.

In the New Testament it says: "It is easier to see the spec of dust in someone else's eye than the plank in your own." It is a true statement. I need other people to point out my errors in posture and movement. You will need the same.

Hope I have been able to give you constructive areas to investigate.

Mummymoi profile image

First of all, change your Dr. There are still some good ones around. Then, insist on a referral to an Orthopaedic specialist. They may not be able to do anything but there are new things coming up all the time. I'm sure that your migraines are coming from your neck problem. My daughter and I both have problems with our necks which cause migraines since suffering whiplash in an accident a few years ago. We go to a brilliant Chiropractor who gently massages everything back into place but your Dr should be able to refer you to the physiotherapy dept at your local hospital. As for your feet and legs it's probably down to your immobility. I know it's not easy but you need to move your legs and feet as much as you can. I bought one of those things that you cycle sitting down for £5 from Gumtree and it definitely has helped my circulation in my legs and feet. Hope this helps a bit.

Shutter_up profile image

Thank you both for the replies, the chest pain and leg pains definitely seem to be linked after this weekend so I think the best thing is to see a GP, unfortunately I just don't want to add a stain to the NHS at this time of year but it's becoming increasingly painful, I had nocturnal cramps Friday, Saturday and last night.

Its a good point re neck pain and migraines actually, my doctor was shocked that I had neck pain the time tims I saw him,asjijg how long it was going on fo and when I said as long as my back and that I'd told him before he was a bit sheepish but I digress.

Thanks so far for the help everyone

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