Appendix removal: Can anyone please adevise me... - Pain Concern

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Appendix removal

flamenca1 profile image
13 Replies

Can anyone please adevise me

I am in Spain and I have had to take my cousin in after he had his appendix removed. He lived in a mobile home and his neighbours looked after him at first.

I need to know when he can fly back to UK. Can't see anyone till tomorrow and I have no idea of recovery time or how he should be feeling 12 days after op.

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flamenca1 profile image
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13 Replies
Philip profile image

I think you would be better asking the doctor who looked after him because he may need permission to fly, you could ask the company who he would be flying with.

Good luck in your quest.

flamenca1 profile image
flamenca1 in reply to Philip

Thank you. Can't do anything without Fit to Travel letter. Ryanair have 2 seats left but won't let me hold them till tonight when we see the doctor. It is a nightmare. Just went to visit my cousin and his neighbours said he's all yours now.

Philip profile image
Philip in reply to flamenca1

More than welcome. Thank your cousin for me but I would rather a good woman lol, take care and safe journey.


Cb1963 profile image

it all depends wether he had key hole surgery or open surgery,and of course a fit to fly permit from the doctor thinking that atmosphere can affect the gasses in the bowels possible,hopefully he'll have a speedy recovery and he can return home safe and well

flamenca1 profile image
flamenca1 in reply to Cb1963

He did have keyhole surgery but was rushed back in last Wednesday because he developed perrotinitis and they had to operate again. He was operated on 17 May but then again on 24 and of course doctors have to go from theBay 24 which I didn't know he had had another operation.

He sleeps a lot through the day, not so in the night. His feet and ankles are really swollen.

Won't get Fit to Fly letter toll at least Friday then have to go to British Consulate to get a temporary passport. Happy Days! !!

Thank you for any advice.

Cb1963 profile image

try not to push his health,and having peritonitis could of caused an even bigger problem,I'm sure you want to get back to normality and get on with your life,and what turned out to be a routine operation has turned out to be something more serious,hopefully every day he'll be getting stronger,leave this with the doctors to make any judgments and even though he'll be feeling ill at the same time he to will want to get back,nobody could of foretold what happened,so I think you'll have to be patient with this one,good luck

flamenca1 profile image
flamenca1 in reply to Cb1963

Thank you for your advice. I don't want to push it but we gave visitors in 2 weeks and we return to UK 3 weeks today. He has only 2 weeks tops to be fit to fly. Hard thing is I hardly know him as a cousin. It is not easy when you are not getting your sleep either.

Just don't know what to do or expect. Just feeding him giving him his medication etc. He is a bit better today so that is something. You can't get after care here in Spain.

Thank you.

Cb1963 profile image
Cb1963 in reply to flamenca1

if he's young man he should recover fairly well,it's sounds like your a nurse at the moment,his food intake should contain protein as this will improve his core body strength which will help him get his strength,it was a lucky escape that he had his second operation as ultimately you can die with peritonitis,I had a rupture on my appendix with complications,I was in hospital for nearly a month,and had to have 4 months off work,so each case is different,I'm sure he's eternally grateful for all that you do,and make sure he's not smoking as this effects the healing process,if he's disturbing your sleep have a word with him that you can't function with sleep deprivation and it's making you irritable,I wish you all the best for now

flamenca1 profile image
flamenca1 in reply to Cb1963

Thank you very much for your advice. I am working in the dark especially when the only information is in Spanish . He is a man of 76. He does not smoke or drink at present. I didn't know till yesterday that he had staples in his stomach and side. They would not take them out last night but hopefully tomorrow they will.

He is eating a little but is not drinking much. Which I presumeis why his ankles are swollen. It is very hot here in Spain but nice that he can sit outside.

Regarding the sleeping the 2 paracetamol did the trick at 4.30am.

Cb1963 profile image

it's probably fluid build up in his feet as if he's not moving this is always tends to be the case,but try and get him drinking as dehydration can be another factor and especially whilst in sunny Spain,he's been through a tough time and don't expect miracles at his age,and taking to many paracetamol can cause constipation so it's important that he has his bowels opened,it's a finely tuned balancing act that you'll have to be aware of and well done for trying your best for him,must be a concern with time and anything else that comes your way,so try and get him doing some walking if at all possible,as this will help with the fluid retention and will get his bowels working,the stomach doesn't like being interfered with and it can go "offline" and sometimes needs a gentle nudge to get it working,so keep up the good work and tell him from me get better soon from a wet and cold Scotland lol

flamenca1 profile image
flamenca1 in reply to Cb1963

Thank you for the sound advice. I have told my cousin your advice and he is going to walk down to the swimming pool. We will go with him for support.

Shame it is cold and wet in Scotland, we are back in Northumberland in 3 weeks.

Think you all had your summer last week.

Cb1963 profile image

just wondering how your cousin is getting on,is he feeling a little better / stronger,etc? He must be quite a tough one to have had surgery at his age,however just to let you know age I believe is not the only things that matter,my mother had life saving surgery at 79 after catching the flesh eating bug,and all in all she was in a coma for over a week and in hospital for 5 weeks,and I can't thank our NHS enough for the team of surgeons who didn't flinch at all when she was whisked down for surgery,I was warned that even the anaesthetic could be fatal,however even though the surgery from the whole stomach area to her groin had left her disfigured ,she had battled through,she's still going abroad on holidays!!! So hopefully tell him that there's plenty of the world to see,and hopefully you won't have to be a nurse,he owes you a meal and a bottle of sangria LOL! ttfn

flamenca1 profile image
flamenca1 in reply to Cb1963

Thank you for sharing your mum's nightmare. As this is a nightmare. We now don't think he had surgery on 24th we think he was given antibiotics. Everything is lost in translation here.

We have been told he should be mobile now but he won't help himself at all. He is a proper old fashioned male. Would have me dance to his tune then gets annoyed at me cause I am a woman. I just ask my husband to deal with him a little of the time now. We have had him a week tomorrow.

He keeps us awake shouting and talking all night. He wet the sheets on my new sofa last night. We have got him till Tuesday now when my husband flies back to Cardiff with him.

I know I should be patient and I am but we are stuck 24/7 and less than 3 weeks of our holiday left. Patience is a virtue.

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