For around about 3 years I've had sharp pains in my head. They appear like once a few months.. they stay for a few seconds then disappear??? I'm starting to worry as I have no clue why it's happening! It's really sore to move my head for about a minute after the sharp pain. Does anyone know what it is???
Sharp pains : For around about 3 years I've had... - Pain Concern
Sharp pains

Could it be a muscle spasm? There are lots of muscles in the neck that can radiate pain. The brain itself doesn't have any pain receptors in it, so it is more likely to be something to do with the structure around it. Have you asked your GP?
Could be worth reading up on the various types of cluster headaches (also known as suicide headaches due to the severity of the pain which is often described as the most severe pain known to medical science). I get cluster headaches and sometimes mine follow the pattern you describe. There is a good website by the Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headaches - or OUCH UK. Have a read and then do go and see your GP. Ideally best not to ignore severe and/or frequent headaches. Your GP should then refer you to a Neurology department for evaluation and methods of pain control.
Good luck.

Okay thank you I will go do that now.
Cyber barn is correct. You receive pain messages in the brain but don't actually experience pain from that area. If these are pains that only come every few months then it is more than likely to be something to do with neck or shoulders. If they become more frequently or last longer then that would be a signal to see a doctor.
Do these pains occur when you have been sitting for a long time or looking at a phone or screen ? If you spend a lot of time using your phone become aware of the position of your neck. What does it tell you ? Very few people hold the phone up to eye line !
Thank you for your help, normally they are when I'm with my friends and I turn my head but sometimes they are when I'm just sitting normally
It does sound like a spasm from one of the muscles in your neck. Some of them run from the bones in your neck up around your head and also down past your shoulders to your back, and it can be surprising how little movement in just a slight different way can cause so much trouble. I had a muscle spasm just from picking up a mug!
Could be your jaw, TMJ pain can feel as if someone has just stabbed you in the head or Trigeminal neuralgia but as lots of people have already advised its probably something simple, but ask your dentist to check your jaw as well. Good luck