Well,I have been to the doctors and yes I do have a tear,so just have to wait for my appointment in June,but it's either way I might need a operation on it I might not but I am trying not think about it too much.Oh the tear I have got is called lateral mensial tear.😞
The feedback from doctors : Well,I have been to... - Pain Concern
The feedback from doctors

I was fortunate in that I was able to manage the knee with the meniscal tear (same place) for several years before I had the surgery. It went through cycles of being very unstable and locking/semi-dislocating but it tended to respond to exercise therapy for me and recover enough for me to manage again.
A lot will depend on your circumstances and how the tear/knee progress. I hope you can arrive at a solution that works for you in a reasonable timescale.
It's the just the pain,there some days where I think how can I cope with the pain,but somehow I get through it.😱
If the pain is chronically interfering with your day-to-day life then that may well simplify the decision. In retrospect, I possibly left mine a little too long (other matters intervened) and wasn't as aware as I ought to have been on the loss of muscle.
I hope you have some good advice when you have your consultation in June.